Profiles.Activity.Utilities.DataIO.GetRecentActivity C# (CSharp) Méthode

GetRecentActivity() private méthode

private GetRecentActivity ( System.Int64 lastActivityLogID, int count, bool older ) : Activity>.SortedList
lastActivityLogID System.Int64
count int
older bool
Résultat Activity>.SortedList
        private SortedList<Int64, Activity> GetRecentActivity(Int64 lastActivityLogID, int count, bool older)
            SortedList<Int64, Activity> activities = new SortedList<Int64, Activity>(new ReverseComparer());

            string sql = "SELECT top " + count + "  i.activityLogID," +
                            "p.personid,n.nodeid,p.firstname,p.lastname," +
                            "i.methodName,,cp._PropertyLabel as propertyLabel,i.param1,i.param2,i.createdDT " +
                            "FROM [Framework.].[Log.Activity] i " +
                            "LEFT OUTER JOIN [Profile.Data].[Person] p ON i.personId = p.personID " +
                            "LEFT OUTER JOIN [RDF.Stage].internalnodemap n on n.internalid = p.personId and n.[class] = '' "+
                            "LEFT OUTER JOIN [Ontology.].[ClassProperty] cp ON cp.Property =  and cp.Class = '' " +
                            "LEFT OUTER JOIN [RDF.].[Node] rn on = rn.value COLLATE Latin1_General_Bin " +
                            "LEFT OUTER JOIN [RDF.Security].[NodeProperty] np on n.NodeID = np.NodeID and rn.NodeID = np.Property " +
                            "where p.IsActive=1 and (np.ViewSecurityGroup = -1 or (i.privacyCode = -1 and np.ViewSecurityGroup is null) or (i.privacyCode is null and np.ViewSecurityGroup is null))" +
                            (lastActivityLogID != -1 ? (" and i.activityLogID " + (older ? "< " : "> ") + lastActivityLogID) : "") +
                            "order by i.activityLogID desc";
            using (SqlDataReader reader = GetQueryOutputReader(sql))
                while (reader.Read())
                    string param1 = reader["param1"].ToString();
                    string param2 = reader["param2"].ToString();
                    string activityLogId = reader["activityLogId"].ToString();
                    string property = reader["property"].ToString();
                    string propertyLabel = reader["propertyLabel"].ToString();
                    string personid = reader["personid"].ToString();
                    string nodeid = reader["nodeid"].ToString();
                    string firstname = reader["firstname"].ToString();
                    string lastname = reader["lastname"].ToString();
                    string methodName = reader["methodName"].ToString();

                    string journalTitle = "";
                    string url = "";
                    string queryTitle = "";
                    string title = "";
                    string body = "";
                    if (param1 == "PMID" || param1 == "Add PMID")
                        url = "" + param2;
                        queryTitle = "SELECT JournalTitle FROM [Profile.Data].[Publication.PubMed.General] " +
                                        "WHERE PMID = cast(" + param2 + " as int)";
                        journalTitle = GetStringValue(queryTitle, "JournalTitle");
                    if (property == "")

                        queryTitle = "select AgreementLabel from [Profile.Data].[Funding.Role] r " +
                                        "join [Profile.Data].[Funding.Agreement] a " +
                                        "on r.FundingAgreementID = a.FundingAgreementID " +
                                        " and r.FundingRoleID = '" + param1 + "'";
                        journalTitle = GetStringValue(queryTitle, "AgreementLabel");
                    if (methodName.CompareTo("Profiles.Edit.Utilities.DataIO.AddPublication") == 0)
                        title = "added a PubMed publication";
                        body = "added a publication from: " + journalTitle;
                    else if (methodName.CompareTo("Profiles.Edit.Utilities.DataIO.AddCustomPublication") == 0)
                        title = "added a custom publication";
                        body = "added \"" + param1 + "\" into " + propertyLabel +
                            " section : " + param2;
                    else if (methodName.CompareTo("Profiles.Edit.Utilities.DataIO.UpdateSecuritySetting") == 0)
                        title = "made a section visible";
                        body = "made \"" + propertyLabel + "\"public";
                    if (methodName.CompareTo("Profiles.Edit.Utilities.DataIO.AddUpdateFunding") == 0)
                        title = "added a research activity or funding";
                        body = "added a research activity or funding: " + journalTitle;
                    if (methodName.CompareTo("[Profile.Data].[Funding.LoadDisambiguationResults]") == 0)
                        title = "has a new research activity or funding";
                        body = "has a new research activity or funding: " + journalTitle;
                    else if (methodName.IndexOf("Profiles.Edit.Utilities.DataIO.Add") == 0)
                        title = "added an item";
                        if (param1.Length != 0)
                            body = body = "added \"" + param1 + "\" into " + propertyLabel + " section";
                            body = "added \"" + propertyLabel + "\" section";

                    else if (methodName.IndexOf("Profiles.Edit.Utilities.DataIO.Update") == 0)
                        title = "updated an item";
                        if (param1.Length != 0)
                            body = "updated \"" + param1 + "\" in " + propertyLabel + " section";
                            body = "updated \"" + propertyLabel + "\" section";
                    else if (methodName.CompareTo("[Profile.Data].[Publication.Pubmed.LoadDisambiguationResults]") == 0 && param1.CompareTo("Add PMID") == 0)
                        title = "has a new PubMed publication";
                        body = "has a new publication listed from: " + journalTitle;
                    else if (methodName.CompareTo("[Profile.Import].[LoadProfilesData]") == 0 && param1.CompareTo("Person Insert") == 0)
                        title = "added to Profiles";
                        body = "now has a Profile page";

                    // there are situations where a new person is loaded but we don't yet have them in the system
                    // best to skip them for now
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(title) /*&& UCSFIDSet.ByNodeId[Convert.ToInt64(nodeid)] != null*/)

                        Activity act = new Activity
                            Id = Convert.ToInt64(activityLogId),
                            Message = body,
                            LinkUrl = url,
                            Title = title,
                            CreatedDT = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["CreatedDT"]),
                            CreatedById = activityLogId,
                            Profile = new Profile
                                Name = firstname + " " + lastname,
                                PersonId = Convert.ToInt32(personid),
                                NodeID = Convert.ToInt64(nodeid),
                                URL = Root.Domain + "/profile/" + nodeid,
                                Thumbnail = Root.Domain + "/profile/Modules/CustomViewPersonGeneralInfo/PhotoHandler.ashx?NodeID="+ nodeid + "&Thumbnail=True&Width=45"
                        activities.Add(act.Id, act);
            return activities;