Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonReader.ReadBinary C# (CSharp) Méthode

ReadBinary() private méthode

private ReadBinary ( BsonBinaryType &binaryType ) : byte[]
binaryType BsonBinaryType
Résultat byte[]
        private byte[] ReadBinary(out BsonBinaryType binaryType)
            int dataLength = ReadInt32();

            binaryType = (BsonBinaryType)ReadByte();

#pragma warning disable 612,618
            // the old binary type has the data length repeated in the data for some reason
            if (binaryType == BsonBinaryType.BinaryOld && !_jsonNet35BinaryCompatibility)
                dataLength = ReadInt32();
#pragma warning restore 612,618

            return ReadBytes(dataLength);