public void UserIntegration2()
ClientController cc1 = new ClientController();
cc1.Login("admin", "admin");
ClientController cc2 = new ClientController();
cc2.Register("test2", "123456");
cc2.Login("test2", "123456");
ClientController cc3 = new ClientController();
cc2.Register("test3", "123456");
cc2.Login("test3", "123456");
cc2.Post("Cars", "title1", "body1");
Post[] posts = cc2.GetSubforum("Cars");
Postkey tmp_postKey = null;
for (int i = 0; i < posts.Length; i++)
if (posts[i].Title.Equals("title1"))
tmp_postKey = posts[i].Key;
//try to edit message not by the writer, admin or moderator
Assert.AreEqual(Result.USER_NOT_FOUND, cc3.EditPost(tmp_postKey, "BadTitle", "BadBody"));
//try to edit message by admin
Assert.AreEqual(Result.OK, cc2.EditPost(tmp_postKey, "GoodTitle", "GoodBody"));
ClientController cc4 = new ClientController();
cc1.ReplaceAdmin("newAdmin", "newAdminpass"); //the newAdmin will create at the server
//try to login with the new admin (the registeration was at the replaceAdmin)
Assert.IsTrue(cc4.Login("newAdmin", "newAdmin"));
// if the old admin was just admin (with out any moderator of any subforum)
// then he will become regular member.
// if the old admin was moderator of any forum
// then he will be just the relevant forum moderator (and no admin).
//try to create subform by non-admin
Assert.AreEqual(Result.SECURITY_ERROR, cc1.AddSubforum("badbadForum"));
//try to edit message by non-admin or non moderator
// Assert.AreEqual(Result.SECURITY_ERROR, cc1.EditPost("xxx", "yyy"));
//try to remove non existing subforum (by admin)
Assert.AreEqual(Result.SECURITY_ERROR, cc4.RemoveSubforum("Forums"));
//try to remove subforum by non-admin
Assert.AreEqual(Result.SECURITY_ERROR, cc1.RemoveSubforum("Cars"));