BuildingCoder.CmdAlignTwoViews.Execute C# (CSharp) Méthode

Execute() public méthode

public Execute ( ExternalCommandData commandData, string &message, ElementSet elements ) : System.Result
commandData ExternalCommandData
message string
elements ElementSet
Résultat System.Result
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication app = commandData.Application;
              Document doc = app.ActiveUIDocument.Document;

              using( Transaction trans = new Transaction( doc ) )
            trans.Start( "Place views" );

            View frontView = doc.GetElement( new ElementId( 180041 ) ) as View;
            View leftView = doc.GetElement( new ElementId( 180032 ) ) as View;

            AssemblyInstance assemblyInst = doc.GetElement( new ElementId( 179915 ) ) as AssemblyInstance;

            ViewSheet vSheet = doc.GetElement( new ElementId( 180049 ) ) as ViewSheet;

            // Assume that the scale is the same for both views

            int scale = frontView.Scale;
            leftView.Scale = scale;

            // Save current crop box values

            BoundingBoxXYZ savedBoxFront = null, savedBoxLeft = null;
            bool frontCropActive, frontCropVisible, leftCropActive, leftCropVisible;
            double farClipFront = 0, farClipLeft = 0;
            Parameter param;
            Transform transformFront = frontView.CropBox.Transform;
            Transform transformLeft = leftView.CropBox.Transform;

            // Save old values. I have to store the farclip and reset it later

            savedBoxFront = frontView.CropBox;
            frontCropActive = frontView.CropBoxActive;
            frontCropVisible = frontView.CropBoxVisible;
            param = frontView.get_Parameter( _bipFarOffset );
            if( param != null )
              farClipFront = param.AsDouble();
            savedBoxLeft = leftView.CropBox;
            leftCropActive = leftView.CropBoxActive;
            leftCropVisible = leftView.CropBoxVisible;
            param = leftView.get_Parameter( _bipFarOffset );
            if( param != null )
              farClipLeft = param.AsDouble();

            // Here my approach differs from yours.
            // I'm starting from the old bounding box to
            // ensure that I get the correct transformation.
            // I tried to create a new Transformation but
            // this didn't work.

            BoundingBoxXYZ newBoxFront = frontView.CropBox;
            newBoxFront.set_MinEnabled( 0, true );
            newBoxFront.set_MinEnabled( 1, true );
            newBoxFront.set_MinEnabled( 2, true );
            newBoxFront.Min = new XYZ( -2000, -2000, 0 );
            newBoxFront.set_MaxEnabled( 0, true );
            newBoxFront.set_MaxEnabled( 1, true );
            newBoxFront.set_MaxEnabled( 2, true );
            newBoxFront.Max = new XYZ( 2000, 2000, 0 );

            BoundingBoxXYZ newBoxLeft = leftView.CropBox;
            newBoxLeft.set_MinEnabled( 0, true );
            newBoxLeft.set_MinEnabled( 1, true );
            newBoxLeft.set_MinEnabled( 2, true );
            newBoxLeft.Min = new XYZ( -2000, -2000, 0 );
            newBoxLeft.set_MaxEnabled( 0, true );
            newBoxLeft.set_MaxEnabled( 1, true );
            newBoxLeft.set_MaxEnabled( 2, true );
            newBoxLeft.Max = new XYZ( 2000, 2000, 0 );

            frontView.CropBox = newBoxFront;
            leftView.CropBox = newBoxLeft;
            frontView.CropBoxActive = true;
            leftView.CropBoxActive = true;


            ElementId vid = vSheet.Id;
            XYZ p = XYZ.Zero;

            var vpFront = Viewport.Create( doc, vid, frontView.Id, p );
            var vpLeft = Viewport.Create( doc, vid, leftView.Id, p );


            // Align lower left - works
            // because crop boxes are same

            Outline outline1 = vpFront.GetBoxOutline();
            Outline outline2 = vpLeft.GetBoxOutline();
            XYZ min1 = outline1.MinimumPoint;
            XYZ min2 = outline2.MinimumPoint;
            XYZ diffToMove = min1 - min2;
            ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement( doc, vpLeft.Id, diffToMove );

            // Tranform the view such that the origin
            // of the assemblyInstance for each view is
            // on the middle of the sheet
            // 1) Move the views such that the assembly
            // Origin lies on the same on the origin of sheet

            p = assemblyInst.GetTransform().Origin;

            XYZ v = transformFront.Origin - p;

            XYZ translation = new XYZ(
              v.DotProduct( transformFront.BasisX ),
              v.DotProduct( transformFront.BasisY ), 0 )
            / scale;

            ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement( doc, vpFront.Id, translation );

            v = transformLeft.Origin - p;

            translation = new XYZ(
              v.DotProduct( transformLeft.BasisX ),
              v.DotProduct( transformLeft.BasisY ), 0 )
            / scale;

            ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement( doc, vpLeft.Id, translation );

            // 2) Move the views such that the assembly
            // origin lies on the center of the sheet

            double width = 840 * 0.0032808399;
            double height = 594 * 0.0032808399;

            XYZ sheetMidpoint = ( vSheet.Origin + XYZ.BasisX * width + XYZ.BasisY * height ) / 2.0;
            ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement( doc, vpFront.Id, sheetMidpoint );
            ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement( doc, vpLeft.Id, sheetMidpoint );

            // Once the views are on the middle, move the
            // left view to the left of the front view:
            // Do the correct translations to suit the
            // defined layout

            translation = XYZ.BasisX * (
              -( ( outline1.MinimumPoint.X - outline1.MinimumPoint.X )
              / 2 + ( outline2.MinimumPoint.X - outline2.MinimumPoint.X ) + 1 ) );

            ElementTransformUtils.MoveElement( doc, vpLeft.Id, translation );


            // Restore view crop boxes

            frontView.CropBox = savedBoxFront;
            frontView.CropBoxActive = frontCropActive;
            frontView.CropBoxVisible = frontCropVisible;

            param = frontView.get_Parameter( _bipFarOffset );

            if( param != null )
              param.Set( farClipFront );

            leftView.CropBox = savedBoxLeft;
            leftView.CropBoxActive = leftCropActive;
            leftView.CropBoxVisible = leftCropVisible;

            param = leftView.get_Parameter( _bipFarOffset );

            if( param != null )
              param.Set( farClipLeft );

              return Result.Succeeded;