BookShop.AcceptanceTests.US01_BookSearchFeature.SearchResultShouldBeOrderedByBookTitle C# (CSharp) Méthode

SearchResultShouldBeOrderedByBookTitle() private méthode

private SearchResultShouldBeOrderedByBookTitle ( ) : void
Résultat void
        public virtual void SearchResultShouldBeOrderedByBookTitle()
            TechTalk.SpecFlow.ScenarioInfo scenarioInfo = new TechTalk.SpecFlow.ScenarioInfo("Search result should be ordered by book title", ((string[])(null)));
#line 35
#line 11
#line 36
 testRunner.When("I search for books by the phrase \'id\'", ((string)(null)), ((TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table)(null)), "When ");
#line hidden
            TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table table2 = new TechTalk.SpecFlow.Table(new string[] {
            table2.AddRow(new string[] {
                        "Bridging the Communication Gap"});
            table2.AddRow(new string[] {
                        "Inside Windows SharePoint Services"});
#line 37
 testRunner.Then("the list of found books should be:", ((string)(null)), table2, "Then ");
#line hidden