Bloom.ToPalaso.Experimental.ProgressDialogForeground.ShowAndDoWork C# (CSharp) Méthode

ShowAndDoWork() public méthode

public ShowAndDoWork ( Action work ) : void
work Action
Résultat void
        public void ShowAndDoWork(Action<IProgress> work)
            _work = work;
            Progress.ProgressIndicator = ProgressBar;
            Progress.Add(new ApplicationDoEventsProgress());//this will keep our UI alive
            var stringProgress = new StringBuilderProgress();
            Application.Idle += StartWorking;
            if (Progress.ErrorEncountered)
                SIL.Reporting.ErrorReport.NotifyUserOfProblem("There was a problem performing that operation.\r\n\r\n"+stringProgress.Text);

Usage Example

 public void CopyImageMetadataToWholeBook(Metadata metadata)
     using (var dlg = new ProgressDialogForeground())//REVIEW: this foreground dialog has known problems in other contexts... it was used here because of its ability to handle exceptions well. TODO: make the background one handle exceptions well
         dlg.ShowAndDoWork(progress => CurrentBook.CopyImageMetadataToWholeBookAndSave(metadata, progress));
All Usage Examples Of Bloom.ToPalaso.Experimental.ProgressDialogForeground::ShowAndDoWork