BEPUphysics.CollisionTests.CollisionAlgorithms.MPRToolbox.GetContact C# (CSharp) Méthode

GetContact() public static méthode

Gets a contact point between two convex shapes.
public static GetContact ( ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, RigidTransform &transformA, RigidTransform &transformB, System.Vector3 &penetrationAxis, ContactData &contact ) : bool
shapeA BEPUphysics.CollisionShapes.ConvexShapes.ConvexShape First shape in the pair.
shapeB BEPUphysics.CollisionShapes.ConvexShapes.ConvexShape Second shape in the pair.
transformA BEPUutilities.RigidTransform Transformation to apply to the first shape.
transformB BEPUutilities.RigidTransform Transformation to apply to the second shape.
penetrationAxis System.Vector3 Axis along which to first test the penetration depth.
contact ContactData Contact data between the two shapes, if any.
Résultat bool
        public static bool GetContact(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ref RigidTransform transformA, ref RigidTransform transformB, ref Vector3 penetrationAxis, out ContactData contact)
            RigidTransform localTransformB;
            MinkowskiToolbox.GetLocalTransform(ref transformA, ref transformB, out localTransformB);
            if (MPRToolbox.AreLocalShapesOverlapping(shapeA, shapeB, ref localTransformB))
                //First, try to use the heuristically found direction.  This comes from either the GJK shallow contact separating axis or from the relative velocity.
                Vector3 rayCastDirection;
                float lengthSquared = penetrationAxis.LengthSquared();
                if (lengthSquared > Toolbox.Epsilon)
                    Vector3.Divide(ref penetrationAxis, (float)Math.Sqrt(lengthSquared), out rayCastDirection);// (Vector3.Normalize(localDirection) + Vector3.Normalize(collidableB.worldTransform.Position - collidableA.worldTransform.Position)) / 2;
                    MPRToolbox.LocalSurfaceCast(shapeA, shapeB, ref localTransformB, ref rayCastDirection, out contact.PenetrationDepth, out contact.Normal);
                    contact.PenetrationDepth = float.MaxValue;
                    contact.Normal = Toolbox.UpVector;
                //Try the offset between the origins as a second option.  Sometimes this is a better choice than the relative velocity.
                //TODO: Could use the position-finding MPR iteration to find the A-B direction hit by continuing even after the origin has been found (optimization).
                Vector3 normalCandidate;
                float depthCandidate;
                lengthSquared = localTransformB.Position.LengthSquared();
                if (lengthSquared > Toolbox.Epsilon)
                    Vector3.Divide(ref localTransformB.Position, (float)Math.Sqrt(lengthSquared), out rayCastDirection);
                    MPRToolbox.LocalSurfaceCast(shapeA, shapeB, ref localTransformB, ref rayCastDirection, out depthCandidate, out normalCandidate);
                    if (depthCandidate < contact.PenetrationDepth)
                        contact.Normal = normalCandidate;
                        contact.PenetrationDepth = depthCandidate;

                //if (contact.PenetrationDepth > 1)
                //    Debug.WriteLine("Break.");

                //Correct the penetration depth.
                RefinePenetration(shapeA, shapeB, ref localTransformB, contact.PenetrationDepth, ref contact.Normal, out contact.PenetrationDepth, out contact.Normal, out contact.Position);

                ////Correct the penetration depth.
                //MPRTesting.LocalSurfaceCast(shape, shapeB, ref localPoint, ref contact.Normal, out contact.PenetrationDepth, out rayCastDirection);

                ////The local casting can optionally continue.  Eventually, it will converge to the local minimum.
                //while (true)
                //    MPRTesting.LocalSurfaceCast(collidableA.Shape, collidableB.Shape, ref localPoint, ref contact.Normal, out depthCandidate, out normalCandidate);
                //    if (contact.PenetrationDepth - depthCandidate <= Toolbox.BigEpsilon)
                //        break;

                //    contact.PenetrationDepth = depthCandidate;
                //    contact.Normal = normalCandidate;

                contact.Id = -1;
                //we're still in local space! transform it all back.
                Matrix3x3 orientation;
                Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref transformA.Orientation, out orientation);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref contact.Normal, ref orientation, out contact.Normal);
                //Vector3.Negate(ref contact.Normal, out contact.Normal);
                Matrix3x3.Transform(ref contact.Position, ref orientation, out contact.Position);
                Vector3.Add(ref contact.Position, ref transformA.Position, out contact.Position);
                return true;
            contact = new ContactData();
            return false;