Axiom.RenderSystems.DirectX9.D3DRenderWindow.CopyContentsToMemory C# (CSharp) Méthode

CopyContentsToMemory() public méthode

public CopyContentsToMemory ( PixelBox dst, FrameBuffer buffer ) : void
dst Axiom.Media.PixelBox
buffer FrameBuffer
Résultat void
		public override void CopyContentsToMemory( PixelBox dst, FrameBuffer buffer )
			if ( ( dst.Left < 0 ) || ( dst.Right > Width ) ||
				 ( dst.Top < 0 ) || ( dst.Bottom > Height ) ||
				 ( dst.Front != 0 ) || ( dst.Back != 1 ) )
				throw new Exception( "Invalid box." );

			var device = D3DDevice;
			D3D.Surface surface, tmpSurface = null;
			DX.DataRectangle stream;
			int pitch;
			D3D.SurfaceDescription desc;
			DX.DataBox lockedBox;

			if ( buffer == RenderTarget.FrameBuffer.Auto )
				buffer = RenderTarget.FrameBuffer.Front;

			if ( buffer == RenderTarget.FrameBuffer.Front )
				D3D.DisplayMode mode = device.GetDisplayMode( 0 );

				desc = new D3D.SurfaceDescription();
				desc.Width = mode.Width;
				desc.Height = mode.Height;
				desc.Format = D3D.Format.A8R8G8B8;

				// create a temp surface which will hold the screen image
				surface = D3D.Surface.CreateOffscreenPlain( device, mode.Width, mode.Height, D3D.Format.A8R8G8B8,
															D3D.Pool.SystemMemory );

				// get the entire front buffer.  This is SLOW!!
				device.GetFrontBufferData( 0, surface );

				if ( IsFullScreen )
					if ( ( dst.Left == 0 ) && ( dst.Right == Width ) && ( dst.Top == 0 ) && ( dst.Bottom == Height ) )
						stream = surface.LockRectangle( D3D.LockFlags.ReadOnly | D3D.LockFlags.NoSystemLock );
						Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
						rect.Left = dst.Left;
						rect.Right = dst.Right;
						rect.Top = dst.Top;
						rect.Bottom = dst.Bottom;

						stream = surface.LockRectangle( D3DHelper.ToRectangle( rect ), D3D.LockFlags.ReadOnly | D3D.LockFlags.NoSystemLock );
					Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle();
					srcRect.Left = dst.Left;
					srcRect.Right = dst.Right;
					srcRect.Top = dst.Top;
					srcRect.Bottom = dst.Bottom;
					// Adjust Rectangle for Window Menu and Chrome
					SWF.Control control = (SWF.Control)hWnd;
					System.Drawing.Point point = new System.Drawing.Point();
					point.X = (int)srcRect.Left;
					point.Y = (int)srcRect.Top;
					point = control.PointToScreen( point );
					srcRect.Top = point.Y;
					srcRect.Left = point.X;
					srcRect.Bottom += point.Y;
					srcRect.Right += point.X;

					desc.Width = (int)( srcRect.Right - srcRect.Left );
					desc.Height = (int)( srcRect.Bottom - srcRect.Top );

					stream = surface.LockRectangle( D3DHelper.ToRectangle( srcRect ),
													D3D.LockFlags.ReadOnly | D3D.LockFlags.NoSystemLock );
				surface = device.GetBackBuffer( 0, 0 );
				desc = surface.Description;

				tmpSurface = D3D.Surface.CreateOffscreenPlain( device, desc.Width, desc.Height, desc.Format, D3D.Pool.SystemMemory );

				if ( desc.MultisampleType == D3D.MultisampleType.None )
					device.GetRenderTargetData( surface, tmpSurface );
					D3D.Surface stretchSurface;
					Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
					stretchSurface = D3D.Surface.CreateRenderTarget( device, desc.Width, desc.Height, desc.Format,
																	 D3D.MultisampleType.None, 0, false );
					device.StretchRectangle( tmpSurface, D3DHelper.ToRectangle( rect ), stretchSurface, D3DHelper.ToRectangle( rect ),
											 D3D.TextureFilter.None );
					device.GetRenderTargetData( stretchSurface, tmpSurface );

				if ( ( dst.Left == 0 ) && ( dst.Right == Width ) && ( dst.Top == 0 ) && ( dst.Bottom == Height ) )
					stream = tmpSurface.LockRectangle( D3D.LockFlags.ReadOnly | D3D.LockFlags.NoSystemLock );
					Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
					rect.Left = dst.Left;
					rect.Right = dst.Right;
					rect.Top = dst.Top;
					rect.Bottom = dst.Bottom;

					stream = tmpSurface.LockRectangle( D3DHelper.ToRectangle( rect ),
													   D3D.LockFlags.ReadOnly | D3D.LockFlags.NoSystemLock );

			PixelFormat format = D3DHelper.ConvertEnum( desc.Format );

			if ( format == PixelFormat.Unknown )
				if ( tmpSurface != null )
				throw new Exception( "Unsupported format" );

			PixelBox src = new PixelBox( dst.Width, dst.Height, 1, format, stream.Data.DataPointer );
			src.RowPitch = stream.Pitch / PixelUtil.GetNumElemBytes( format );
			src.SlicePitch = desc.Height * src.RowPitch;

			PixelConverter.BulkPixelConversion( src, dst );

			if ( tmpSurface != null )