Axiom.Core.MeshManager._generateCurvedIllusionPlaneVertexData C# (CSharp) Méthode

_generateCurvedIllusionPlaneVertexData() private méthode

private _generateCurvedIllusionPlaneVertexData ( HardwareVertexBuffer vertexBuffer, int ySegments, int xSegments, float xSpace, float halfWidth, float ySpace, float halfHeight, Axiom.MathLib.Matrix4 xform, bool firstTime, bool normals, Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion orientation, float curvature, float uTiles, float vTiles, int numberOfTexCoordSets, Vector3 &min, Vector3 &max, float &maxSquaredLength ) : void
vertexBuffer Axiom.Graphics.HardwareVertexBuffer
ySegments int
xSegments int
xSpace float
halfWidth float
ySpace float
halfHeight float
xform Axiom.MathLib.Matrix4
firstTime bool
normals bool
orientation Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion
curvature float
uTiles float
vTiles float
numberOfTexCoordSets int
min Vector3
max Vector3
maxSquaredLength float
Résultat void
		private void _generateCurvedIllusionPlaneVertexData( HardwareVertexBuffer vertexBuffer, int ySegments, int xSegments, float xSpace, float halfWidth, float ySpace, float halfHeight, Matrix4 xform, bool firstTime, bool normals, Quaternion orientation, float curvature, float uTiles, float vTiles, int numberOfTexCoordSets, ref Vector3 min, ref Vector3 max, ref float maxSquaredLength )
			// Imagine a large sphere with the camera located near the top
			// The lower the curvature, the larger the sphere
			// Use the angle from viewer to the points on the plane
			// Credit to Aftershock for the general approach
			Real cameraPosition;      // Camera position relative to sphere center

			// Derive sphere radius
			//Vector3 vertPos;  // position relative to camera
			//Real sphDist;      // Distance from camera to sphere along box vertex vector
			// Vector3 camToSph; // camera position to sphere
			Real sphereRadius;// Sphere radius
			// Actual values irrelevant, it's the relation between sphere radius and camera position that's important
			Real sphRadius = 100.0f;
			Real camDistance = 5.0f;

			sphereRadius = sphRadius - curvature;
			cameraPosition = sphereRadius - camDistance;

			Vector3 vec;
			Vector3 norm;
			float sphereDistance;
				// lock the vertex buffer
				IntPtr data = vertexBuffer.Lock( BufferLocking.Discard );

				float* pData = (float*)data.ToPointer();

				for ( int y = 0; y < ySegments + 1; ++y )
					for ( int x = 0; x < xSegments + 1; ++x )
						// centered on origin
						vec.x = ( x * xSpace ) - halfWidth;
						vec.y = ( y * ySpace ) - halfHeight;
						vec.z = 0.0f;

						// transform by orientation and distance
						vec = xform * vec;

						// assign to geometry
						*pData++ = vec.x;
						*pData++ = vec.y;
						*pData++ = vec.z;

						// build bounds as we go
						if ( firstTime )
							min = vec;
							max = vec;
							maxSquaredLength = vec.LengthSquared;
							firstTime = false;
							min.Floor( vec );
							max.Ceil( vec );
							maxSquaredLength = Utility.Max( maxSquaredLength, vec.LengthSquared );

						if ( normals )
							norm = Vector3.UnitZ;
							norm = orientation * norm;

							*pData++ = vec.x;
							*pData++ = vec.y;
							*pData++ = vec.z;

						// generate texture coordinates, normalize position, modify by orientation to return +y up
						vec = orientation.Inverse() * vec;

						// find distance to sphere
						sphereDistance = Utility.Sqrt( cameraPosition * cameraPosition * ( vec.y * vec.y - 1.0f ) + sphereRadius * sphereRadius ) - cameraPosition * vec.y;

						vec.x *= sphereDistance;
						vec.z *= sphereDistance;

						// use x and y on sphere as texture coordinates, tiled
						float s = vec.x * ( 0.01f * uTiles );
						float t = vec.z * ( 0.01f * vTiles );
						for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfTexCoordSets; i++ )
							*pData++ = s;
							*pData++ = ( 1 - t );
					} // x
				} // y

				// unlock the buffer
			} // unsafe