Apache.Cassandra.Cassandra.Client.remove_counter C# (CSharp) Méthode

remove_counter() public méthode

Remove a counter at the specified location. Note that counters have limited support for deletes: if you remove a counter, you must wait to issue any following update until the delete has reached all the nodes and all of them have been fully compacted.
public remove_counter ( byte key, ColumnPath path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level ) : void
key byte
path ColumnPath
consistency_level ConsistencyLevel
Résultat void
      public void remove_counter(byte[] key, ColumnPath path, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level)
        #if !SILVERLIGHT
        send_remove_counter(key, path, consistency_level);

        var asyncResult = Begin_remove_counter(null, null, key, path, consistency_level);
