ACAT.Extensions.Default.FunctionalAgents.LectureManager.LectureManagerAgent.Activate C# (CSharp) Méthode

Activate() public méthode

Invoked when the Functional agent is activated. This is the entry point. Displays the lecture manager form and sets the file name to read from.
public Activate ( ) : bool
Résultat bool
        public override bool Activate()
            _menuShown = false;
            ExitCode = CompletionCode.None;
            _prevScannerPosition = Context.AppWindowPosition;
            Context.AppWindowPosition = Windows.WindowPosition.TopRight;
            var form = new LectureManagerMainForm
                LoadFromFile = this.LoadFromFile,
                LectureFile = this.LectureFile,
                LectureText = this.LectureText

            form.FormClosing += form_FormClosing;

            _lectureMgrForm = form;

            return true;