ABT.SwitchStmt.CGenStmt C# (CSharp) Méthode

CGenStmt() public méthode

public CGenStmt ( Env env, CGenState state ) : void
env Env
state CodeGeneration.CGenState
Résultat void
        public override void CGenStmt(Env env, CGenState state) {

            // Inside a switch statement, the initializations are ignored,
            // but the stack size should be changed.
            List<Tuple<Env, Decln>> declns;
            List<Tuple<Env, Stmt>> stmts;

            var compoundStmt = this.Stmt as CompoundStmt;
            if (compoundStmt == null) {
                throw new NotImplementedException();

            declns = compoundStmt.Declns;
            stmts = compoundStmt.Stmts;

            // Track all case values.
            IReadOnlyList<Int32> values = CaseLabelsGrabber.GrabLabels(this);

            // Make sure there are no duplicates.
            if (values.Distinct().Count() != values.Count) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException("case labels not unique.");
            // Request labels for these values.
            Dictionary<Int32, Int32> value_to_label = values.ToDictionary(value => value, value => state.RequestLabel());

            Int32 label_finish = state.RequestLabel();

            Int32 num_default_stmts = stmts.Count(_ => _.Item2 is DefaultStmt);
            if (num_default_stmts > 1) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException("duplicate defaults.");
            Int32 label_default =
                num_default_stmts == 1 ?
                state.RequestLabel() :

            Int32 saved_stack_size = state.StackSize;
            Int32 stack_size =
                declns.Any() ?
                declns.Last().Item1.StackSize :

            // 1. Evaluate Expr.
            CGenExprStmt(env, this.Expr, state);

            // 2. Expand stack.

            // 3. Make the Jump list.
            foreach (KeyValuePair<Int32, Int32> value_label_pair in value_to_label) {
                state.CMPL(value_label_pair.Key, Reg.EAX);

            // 4. List all the statements.
            state.InSwitch(label_finish, label_default, value_to_label);
            foreach (Tuple<Env, Stmt> env_stmt_pair in stmts) {
                env_stmt_pair.Item2.CGenStmt(env_stmt_pair.Item1, state);

            // 5. finish:

            // 6. Restore stack size.