public bool LinuxS(long offset)
var Candidate = false;
var group = -1;
// The main observation on kern319 is the given set below of must-have offsets that are identical and 0x7f8 which is unique per process
// Next is the behavior that uses entries in 2 directions from top down and bottom up
// i.e. 0x7f0 0x0 are the next expected values.
// All others would be unset in the top level / base page
// Kernel should have only the magnificent entries
// memcmp 0 ranges 8-7f0, 800-880, 888-c88, c98-e88, e90-ea0, ea8-ff0
// after first (likely kernel) page table found, use it's lower 1/2 to validate other detected page tables
// Linux was found (so far) to have a consistent kernel view.
var kern319 = new Dictionary<int, bool> { [0x7f8] = false, [0x880] = true, [0xc90] = true, [0xe88] = true, [0xea0] = true, [0xff0] = true, [0xff8] = true };
var Profiles = new List<Dictionary<int, bool>>();
if (((block[0xFF] & 0xfff) == 0x067) &&
((block[0x110] & 0xfff) == 0x067) &&
((block[0x192] & 0xfff) == 0x067) &&
((block[0x1d1] & 0xfff) == 0x067) &&
((block[0x1d4] & 0xfff) == 0x067) &&
((block[0x1fe] & 0xfff) == 0x067) &&
((block[0x1ff] & 0xfff) == 0x067)
// this is the largest block of 0's
// just do this one to qualify
//IsZero(block, 8, 0xe0)
if (
/*IsZero(block, 8, 0xE0) &&
IsZero(block, 0x100, 0x10) &&*/
IsZero(block, 0x111, 0x80) &&
IsZero(block, 0x193, 0x3e) &&
IsZero(block, 0x1D2, 0x02) &&
IsZero(block, 0x1D5, 0x29))
// before we catalog this entry, check to see if we can put it in a group
for (int i = 0; i < LinuxSFirstPages.Count(); i++)
if (EqualBytesLongUnrolled(block, LinuxSFirstPages[i], 0x100))
group = i;
// if we haven't found anything yet, setup first page
if (LinuxSFirstPage == null)
LinuxSFirstPage = block;
group = 0;
// load DP
var dp = new DetectedProc { CR3Value = offset, FileOffset = offset, Diff = 0, Mode = 2, Group = group, PageTableType = PTType.LinuxS, TrueOffset = TrueOffset };
for (int p = 0; p < 0x200; p++)
if (block[p] != 0)
dp.TopPageTablePage.Add(p, block[p]);
if (Vtero.VerboseOutput)
WriteColor(ConsoleColor.Cyan, dp.ToString());
DetectedProcesses.TryAdd(offset, dp);
Candidate = true;
return Candidate;