Raspberry.IO.Components.Displays.Hd44780.Hd44780LcdConnection.Hd44780LcdConnection C# (CSharp) Method

Hd44780LcdConnection() public method

Initializes a new instance of the Hd44780LcdConnection class.
/// dataPins;There must be either 4 or 8 data pins /// or /// settings;ScreenHeight must be between 1 and 4 rows /// or /// settings;PatternWidth must be 5 pixels /// or /// settings;PatternWidth must be either 7 or 10 pixels height /// /// At most 80 characters are allowed /// or /// 10 pixels height pattern cannot be used with 2 rows ///
public Hd44780LcdConnection ( Raspberry.IO.Components.Displays.Hd44780.Hd44780LcdConnectionSettings settings, Raspberry.IO.Components.Displays.Hd44780.Hd44780Pins pins ) : System
settings Raspberry.IO.Components.Displays.Hd44780.Hd44780LcdConnectionSettings The settings.
pins Raspberry.IO.Components.Displays.Hd44780.Hd44780Pins The pins.
return System
        public Hd44780LcdConnection(Hd44780LcdConnectionSettings settings, Hd44780Pins pins)
            settings = settings ?? new Hd44780LcdConnectionSettings();
            this.pins = pins;

            if (pins.Data.Length != 4 && pins.Data.Length != 8)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pins", pins.Data.Length, "There must be either 4 or 8 data pins");

            width = settings.ScreenWidth;
            height = settings.ScreenHeight;
            if (height < 1 || height > MAX_HEIGHT)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("settings", height, "ScreenHeight must be between 1 and 4 rows");
            if (width * height > MAX_CHAR)
                throw new ArgumentException("At most 80 characters are allowed");

            if (settings.PatternWidth != 5)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("settings", settings.PatternWidth, "PatternWidth must be 5 pixels");
            if (settings.PatternHeight != 8 && settings.PatternHeight != 10)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("settings", settings.PatternWidth, "PatternWidth must be either 7 or 10 pixels height");
            if (settings.PatternHeight == 10 && (height % 2) == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("10 pixels height pattern cannot be used with an even number of rows");

            functions = (settings.PatternHeight == 8 ? Functions.Matrix5x8 : Functions.Matrix5x10)
                | (height == 1 ? Functions.OneLine : Functions.TwoLines)
                | (pins.Data.Length == 4 ? Functions.Data4bits : Functions.Data8bits);

            entryModeFlags = /*settings.RightToLeft
                ? EntryModeFlags.EntryRight | EntryModeFlags.EntryShiftDecrement
                :*/ EntryModeFlags.EntryLeft | EntryModeFlags.EntryShiftDecrement;

            encoding = settings.Encoding;

            BacklightEnabled = false;

            if (pins.ReadWrite != null)

            foreach (var dataPin in pins.Data)

            WriteByte(0x33, false); // Initialize
            WriteByte(0x32, false);

            WriteCommand(Command.SetFunctions, (int) functions);
            WriteCommand(Command.SetDisplayFlags, (int) displayFlags);
            WriteCommand(Command.SetEntryModeFlags, (int) entryModeFlags);

            BacklightEnabled = true;

Same methods

Hd44780LcdConnection::Hd44780LcdConnection ( IOutputBinaryPin registerSelectPin, IOutputBinaryPin clockPin ) : System
Hd44780LcdConnection::Hd44780LcdConnection ( IOutputBinaryPin registerSelectPin, IOutputBinaryPin clockPin, IEnumerable dataPins ) : System