Postworthy.Tasks.StreamMonitor.DualStreamMonitor.StartTwitterTrackerStream C# (CSharp) Method

StartTwitterTrackerStream() private method

private StartTwitterTrackerStream ( LinqToTwitter.TwitterContext context ) : void
context LinqToTwitter.TwitterContext
return void
        private void StartTwitterTrackerStream(TwitterContext context)
            hadTrackerStreamFailure = false;
            List<string> trackList = null;

            context.Log = log;

            string track = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Track"] ?? (PrimaryUser.Track ?? "");
            string[] ignore = (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Ignore"] ?? "").ToLower().Split(',');

            int minFollowers = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MinFollowerCount"] ?? "0");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(track) && !(processingStep is IKeywordSuggestionStep))
                    log.WriteLine("{0}: To track keywords one of the following must be true: \n\t1) AppSetting Property 'Track' Cannot be Null or Empty.\n\t2) UserCollection Property 'Track' Cannot be Null or Empty.\n\t3) ProcessingStep must Implement IKeywordSuggestionStep.", DateTime.Now);
                    var processIgnoreWords = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(track) ? track.ToLower().Split(',').ToList() : new List<string>();
                    trackList = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(track) ? track.ToLower().Split(',').ToList() : new List<string>();

                    if (processingStep is IKeywordSuggestionStep)
                        var keywordSuggestionStep = processingStep as IKeywordSuggestionStep;
                        if (keywordSuggestionStep != null)
                            /* I have chosen to wrap these calls in seperate try catch statements incase one fails
                             * the other can still run. This way if the get fails we may still have hope of a reset.
                            try { keywordSuggestionStep.SetIgnoreKeywords(processIgnoreWords); }
                            catch { }
                            try { trackList.AddRange(keywordSuggestionStep.GetKeywordSuggestions().Select(x => x.ToLower()).ToList()); }
                            catch { }
                            try { keywordSuggestionStep.ResetHasNewKeywordSuggestions(); }
                            catch { }

                    if (trackList.Count == 0)
                        log.WriteLine("{0}: No Keywords to Track at this time.", DateTime.Now);
                        if (trackList.Count > MAX_TRACK)
                            trackList = trackList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Length).Take(400).ToList();
                            log.WriteLine("{0}: Tracking List Exceeds Max {1} Reducing List", DateTime.Now, MAX_TRACK);
                        log.WriteLine("{0}: Attempting to Track: {1}", DateTime.Now, string.Join(",", trackList));
                        log.WriteLine("{0}: Ignoring : {1}", DateTime.Now, string.Join(",", ignore));

                    trackerStreamTask = context.Streaming
                        .Where(s => s.Type == LinqToTwitter.StreamingType.Filter && s.Track == string.Join(",", trackList.Distinct()))
                        .Select(strm => strm)
                        .StartAsync(async strm =>
                            await Task.Run(() =>
                                        lastCallBackTimeTrackerStream = DateTime.Now;
                                        if (trackerStream == null)
                                            log.WriteLine("{0}: Twitter Connection Established (TrackerStream)", DateTime.Now);
                                        trackerStream = strm;
                                        if (strm != null)
                                            /* LinqToTwitter v3.0 no longer has *.Status
                                            if (strm.Status == TwitterErrorStatus.RequestProcessingException)
                                                var wex = strm.Error as WebException;
                                                if (wex != null && wex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure)
                                                    log.WriteLine("{0}: LinqToTwitter Stream Connection Failure (TrackerStream)", DateTime.Now);
                                                    hadTrackerStreamFailure = true;
                                                    //Will Be Restarted By Processing Queue
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strm.Content))
                                                var status = new LinqToTwitter.Status(LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject(strm.Content));
                                                if (status != null && status.StatusID > 0)
                                                    string statusText = status.Text.ToLower();
                                                    if (
                                                        trackList.Any(x => statusText.Contains(x)) && //Looking for exact matches
                                                        status.User.FollowersCount >= minFollowers && //Meets the follower cutoff
                                                        !ignore.Any(x => x != "" && statusText.Contains(x)) //Ignore these
                                                        var tweet = new Tweet(status.RetweetedStatus.StatusID == 0 ? status : status.RetweetedStatus);
                                                        lock (queue_lock)
                                                        log.WriteLine("{0}: Added Item to Queue (TrackerStream): @{1} said [{2}]", DateTime.Now, tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.TweetText);
                                                    log.WriteLine("{0}: Unhandled Item in Stream (TrackerStream): {1}", DateTime.Now, strm.Content);
                                                log.WriteLine("{0}: Twitter Keep Alive (TrackerStream)", DateTime.Now);
                                            throw new ArgumentNullException("strm", "This value should never be null!");
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        log.WriteLine("{0}: Error (TrackerStream): {1}", DateTime.Now, ex.ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.WriteLine("{0}: Error (TrackerStream): {1}", DateTime.Now, ex.ToString());