Pinta.ImageManipulation.ColorBgraArrayWrapper.BeginUpdate C# (CSharp) Method

BeginUpdate() public method

public BeginUpdate ( ) : void
return void
		public unsafe override void BeginUpdate ()

Usage Example

Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected unsafe virtual void RenderLoop(ISurface surface, Rectangle roi, CancellationToken token, IRenderProgress progress)
            var dst = new ColorBgra[surface.Height * surface.Width];

            fixed(ColorBgra *dst_ptr = dst)
                var dst_wrap = new ColorBgraArrayWrapper(dst_ptr, surface.Width, surface.Height);


                OnBeginRender(surface, dst_wrap, roi);

                var completed_lines      = new bool[roi.Height];
                var last_completed_index = 0;

                if (Settings.SingleThreaded || roi.Height <= 1)
                    for (var y = roi.Y; y <= roi.Bottom; ++y)
                        if (token.IsCancellationRequested)

                        RenderLine(surface, dst_wrap, new Rectangle(roi.X, y, roi.Width, 1));

                        completed_lines[y - roi.Top] = true;

                        if (progress != null)
                            var last_y = FindLastCompletedLine(completed_lines, last_completed_index);
                            last_completed_index     = last_y;
                            progress.CompletedRoi    = new Rectangle(roi.X, roi.Y, roi.Width, last_y);
                            progress.PercentComplete = (float)last_y / (float)roi.Height;
                    ParallelExtensions.OrderedFor(roi.Y, roi.Bottom + 1, token, (y) => {
                        RenderLine(surface, dst_wrap, new Rectangle(roi.X, y, roi.Width, 1));

                        completed_lines[y - roi.Top] = true;

                        if (progress != null)
                            var last_y               = FindLastCompletedLine(completed_lines, last_completed_index);
                            last_completed_index     = last_y;
                            progress.CompletedRoi    = new Rectangle(roi.X, roi.Y, roi.Width, last_y);
                            progress.PercentComplete = (float)last_y / (float)roi.Height;

                // Copy the result from our temp destination back into the source
                var op = new IdentityOp();

                op.ApplyAsync(dst_wrap, surface, token).Wait();

All Usage Examples Of Pinta.ImageManipulation.ColorBgraArrayWrapper::BeginUpdate