System.BCLDebug.Assert C# (CSharp) Method

Assert() private method

private Assert ( bool condition, string message ) : void
condition bool
message string
return void
		static public void Assert(bool condition, string message)

Usage Example

Beispiel #1
        internal static String GetResourceString(String key, params Object[] values)
            if (SystemResMgr == null)
            String s;

            // We unfortunately have a somewhat common potential for infinite
            // loops with mscorlib's ResourceManager.  If "potentially dangerous"
            // code throws an exception, we will get into an infinite loop
            // inside the ResourceManager and this "potentially dangerous" code.
            // Potentially dangerous code includes the IO package, CultureInfo,
            // parts of the loader, some parts of Reflection, Security (including
            // custom user-written permissions that may parse an XML file at
            // class load time), assembly load event handlers, etc.  Essentially,
            // this is not a bounded set of code, and we need to fix the problem.
            // Fortunately, this is limited to mscorlib's error lookups and is NOT
            // a general problem for all user code using the ResourceManager.

            // The solution is to make sure only one thread at a time can call
            // GetResourceString.  If the same thread comes into GetResourceString
            // twice before returning, we're going into an infinite loop and we
            // should return a bogus string.  -- BrianGru, 6/26/2001
            // @TODO: This is a quick & easy solution, but may not be optimal.
            // Note: typeof(Environment) is used elsewhere - don't lock on it.
            lock (m_resMgrLockObject) {
                if (m_loadingResource)
                    return("[Resource lookup failed - infinite recursion detected.  Resource name: " + key + ']');
                m_loadingResource = true;
                s = SystemResMgr.GetString(key, null);
                m_loadingResource = false;
            BCLDebug.Assert(s != null, "Managed resource string lookup failed.  Was your resource name misspelled?  Did you rebuild mscorlib after adding a resource to resources.txt?  Debug this w/ cordbg and bug whoever owns the code that called Environment.GetResourceString.  Resource name was: \"" + key + "\"");
            return(String.Format(s, values));
All Usage Examples Of System.BCLDebug::Assert