System.Globalization.FormatProvider.Number.FormatFixed C# (CSharp) Method

FormatFixed() private static method

private static FormatFixed ( System.StringBuilder sb, NumberBuffer number, int nMinDigits, int nMaxDigits, NumberFormatInfo info, int groupDigits, string sDecimal, string sGroup ) : void
sb System.StringBuilder
number NumberBuffer
nMinDigits int
nMaxDigits int
info NumberFormatInfo
groupDigits int
sDecimal string
sGroup string
return void
            private static unsafe void FormatFixed(StringBuilder sb, NumberBuffer number, int nMinDigits, int nMaxDigits, NumberFormatInfo info, int[] groupDigits, string sDecimal, string sGroup)
                int digPos = number.scale;
                char* dig = number.digits;
                int digLength = wcslen(dig);

                if (digPos > 0)
                    if (groupDigits != null)
                        int groupSizeIndex = 0;                             // Index into the groupDigits array.
                        int groupSizeCount = groupDigits[groupSizeIndex];   // The current total of group size.
                        int groupSizeLen = groupDigits.Length;              // The length of groupDigits array.
                        int bufferSize = digPos;                            // The length of the result buffer string.
                        int groupSeparatorLen = sGroup.Length;              // The length of the group separator string.
                        int groupSize = 0;                                  // The current group size.

                        // Find out the size of the string buffer for the result.
                        if (groupSizeLen != 0) // You can pass in 0 length arrays
                            while (digPos > groupSizeCount)
                                groupSize = groupDigits[groupSizeIndex];
                                if (groupSize == 0)

                                bufferSize += groupSeparatorLen;
                                if (groupSizeIndex < groupSizeLen - 1)

                                groupSizeCount += groupDigits[groupSizeIndex];
                                if (groupSizeCount < 0 || bufferSize < 0)
                                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); // If we overflow
                            if (groupSizeCount == 0) // If you passed in an array with one entry as 0, groupSizeCount == 0
                                groupSize = 0;
                                groupSize = groupDigits[0];

                        char* tmpBuffer = stackalloc char[bufferSize];
                        groupSizeIndex = 0;
                        int digitCount = 0;
                        int digStart;
                        digStart = (digPos < digLength) ? digPos : digLength;
                        char* p = tmpBuffer + bufferSize - 1;
                        for (int i = digPos - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            *(p--) = (i < digStart) ? dig[i] : '0';

                            if (groupSize > 0)
                                if ((digitCount == groupSize) && (i != 0))
                                    for (int j = groupSeparatorLen - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                                        *(p--) = sGroup[j];

                                    if (groupSizeIndex < groupSizeLen - 1)
                                        groupSize = groupDigits[groupSizeIndex];
                                    digitCount = 0;

                        sb.Append(tmpBuffer, bufferSize);
                        dig += digStart;
                        int digits = Math.Min(digLength, digPos);
                        sb.Append(dig, digits);
                        dig += digits;
                        if (digPos > digLength)
                            sb.Append('0', digPos - digLength);

                if (nMaxDigits > 0)
                    if ((digPos < 0) && (nMaxDigits > 0))
                        int zeroes = Math.Min(-digPos, nMaxDigits);
                        sb.Append('0', zeroes);
                        digPos += zeroes;
                        nMaxDigits -= zeroes;

                    while (nMaxDigits > 0)
                        sb.Append((*dig != 0) ? *dig++ : '0');