System.Diagnostics.Tests.FileVersionInfoTest.FileVersionInfo_Normal C# (CSharp) Method

FileVersionInfo_Normal() private method

private FileVersionInfo_Normal ( ) : void
return void
        public void FileVersionInfo_Normal()
            // NativeConsoleApp (English)
            VerifyVersionInfo(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), NativeConsoleAppFileName), new MyFVI()
                Comments = "",
                CompanyName = "Microsoft Corporation",
                FileBuildPart = 3,
                FileDescription = "This is the description for the native console application.",
                FileMajorPart = 5,
                FileMinorPart = 4,
                FileName = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), NativeConsoleAppFileName),
                FilePrivatePart = 2,
                FileVersion = "",
                InternalName = NativeConsoleAppFileName,
                IsDebug = false,
                IsPatched = false,
                IsPrivateBuild = false,
                IsPreRelease = true,
                IsSpecialBuild = true,
                Language = GetFileVersionLanguage(0x0409), //English (United States)
                LegalCopyright = "Copyright (C) 2050",
                LegalTrademarks = "",
                OriginalFilename = NativeConsoleAppFileName,
                PrivateBuild = "",
                ProductBuildPart = 3,
                ProductMajorPart = 5,
                ProductMinorPart = 4,
                ProductName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(NativeConsoleAppFileName),
                ProductPrivatePart = 2,
                ProductVersion = "",
                SpecialBuild = ""