Pathfinding.RVO.Sampled.Agent.CalculateVelocity C# (CSharp) Method

CalculateVelocity() private method

private CalculateVelocity ( Pathfinding context ) : void
context Pathfinding
return void
		internal void CalculateVelocity (Pathfinding.RVO.Simulator.WorkerContext context) {
			if (locked) {
				newVelocity =;

			if (context.vos.Length < neighbours.Count+simulator.obstacles.Count) {
				context.vos = new VO[Mathf.Max(context.vos.Length*2, neighbours.Count+simulator.obstacles.Count)];

			Vector2 position2D = new Vector2(position.x, position.z);

			var vos = context.vos;
			var voCount = 0;

			Vector2 optimalVelocity = new Vector2(velocity.x, velocity.z);

			float inverseAgentTimeHorizon = 1.0f/agentTimeHorizon;

			float wallThickness = simulator.WallThickness;

			float wallWeight = simulator.algorithm == Simulator.SamplingAlgorithm.GradientDecent ? 1 : WallWeight;

			for (int i = 0; i < simulator.obstacles.Count; i++) {
				var obstacle = simulator.obstacles[i];
				var vertex = obstacle;
				do {
					if (vertex.ignore || position.y > vertex.position.y + vertex.height || position.y+height < vertex.position.y || (vertex.layer & collidesWith) == 0) {
						vertex =;

					float cross = VO.Det(new Vector2(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.z), vertex.dir, position2D);// vertex.dir.x * ( vertex.position.z - position.z ) - vertex.dir.y * ( vertex.position.x - position.x );

					// Signed distance from the line (not segment), lines are infinite
					// Usually divided by vertex.dir.magnitude, but that is known to be 1
					float signedDist = cross;

					float dotFactor = Vector2.Dot(vertex.dir, position2D - new Vector2(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.z));

					// It is closest to the segment
					// if the dotFactor is <= 0 or >= length of the segment
					// WallThickness*0.1 is added as a margin to avoid false positives when moving along the edges of square obstacles
					bool closestIsEndpoints = dotFactor <= wallThickness*0.05f || dotFactor >= (new Vector2(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.z) - new Vector2(, - wallThickness*0.05f;

					if (Mathf.Abs(signedDist) < neighbourDist) {
						if (signedDist <= 0 && !closestIsEndpoints && signedDist > -wallThickness) {
							// Inside the wall on the "wrong" side
							vos[voCount] = new VO(position2D, new Vector2(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.z) - position2D, vertex.dir, wallWeight*2);
						} else if (signedDist > 0) {
							//Debug.DrawLine (position, (*0.5f, Color.yellow);
							Vector2 p1 = new Vector2(vertex.position.x, vertex.position.z) - position2D;
							Vector2 p2 = new Vector2(, - position2D;
							Vector2 tang1 = (p1).normalized;
							Vector2 tang2 = (p2).normalized;
							vos[voCount] = new VO(position2D, p1, p2, tang1, tang2, wallWeight);
					vertex =;
				} while (vertex != obstacle);

			for (int o = 0; o < neighbours.Count; o++) {
				Agent other = neighbours[o];

				if (other == this) continue;

				float maxY = System.Math.Min(position.y+height, other.position.y+other.height);
				float minY = System.Math.Max(position.y, other.position.y);

				//The agents cannot collide since they
				//are on different y-levels
				if (maxY - minY < 0) {

				Vector2 otherOptimalVelocity = new Vector2(other.Velocity.x, other.velocity.z);

				float totalRadius = radius + other.radius;

				// Describes a circle on the border of the VO
				//float boundingRadius = totalRadius * inverseAgentTimeHorizon;
				Vector2 voBoundingOrigin = new Vector2(other.position.x, other.position.z) - position2D;

				//float boundingDist = voBoundingOrigin.magnitude;

				Vector2 relativeVelocity = optimalVelocity - otherOptimalVelocity;

					//voBoundingOrigin *= inverseAgentTimeHorizon;
					//boundingDist *= inverseAgentTimeHorizon;

					// Common case, no collision

					Vector2 voCenter;
					if (other.locked) {
						voCenter = otherOptimalVelocity;
					} else {
						voCenter = (optimalVelocity + otherOptimalVelocity)*0.5f;

					vos[voCount] = new VO(voBoundingOrigin, voCenter, totalRadius, relativeVelocity, inverseAgentTimeHorizon, 1);
					if (DebugDraw) DrawVO(position2D + voBoundingOrigin*inverseAgentTimeHorizon + voCenter, totalRadius*inverseAgentTimeHorizon, position2D + voCenter);

			Vector2 result =;

			if (simulator.algorithm == Simulator.SamplingAlgorithm.GradientDecent) {
				if (DebugDraw) {
					const int PlotWidth = 40;
					const float WorldPlotWidth = 15;

					for (int x = 0; x < PlotWidth; x++) {
						for (int y = 0; y < PlotWidth; y++) {
							Vector2 p = new Vector2(x*WorldPlotWidth / PlotWidth, y*WorldPlotWidth / PlotWidth);

							Vector2 dir =;
							float weight = 0;
							for (int i = 0; i < voCount; i++) {
								float w;
								dir += vos[i].Sample(p-position2D, out w);
								if (w > weight) weight = w;
							Vector2 d2 = (new Vector2(desiredVelocity.x, desiredVelocity.z) - (p-position2D));
							dir += d2*DesiredVelocityScale;

							if (d2.magnitude * DesiredVelocityWeight > weight) weight = d2.magnitude * DesiredVelocityWeight;

							if (weight > 0) dir /= weight;

							//Vector2 d3 = simulator.SampleDensity (p+position2D);
							Debug.DrawRay(To3D(p), To3D(d2*0.00f),;
							//simulator.Plot (p, Rainbow(weight*simulator.colorScale));

							float sc = 0;
							Vector2 p0 = p -*WorldPlotWidth*0.5f;
							Vector2 p1 = Trace(vos, voCount, p0, 0.01f, out sc);
							if ((p0 - p1).sqrMagnitude < Sqr(WorldPlotWidth / PlotWidth)*2.6f) {
								Debug.DrawRay(To3D(p1 + position2D), Vector3.up*1,;

				//if ( debug ) {
				float best = float.PositiveInfinity;

				float cutoff = new Vector2(velocity.x, velocity.z).magnitude*simulator.qualityCutoff;

				//for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
					result = Trace(vos, voCount, new Vector2(desiredVelocity.x, desiredVelocity.z), cutoff, out best);
					if (DebugDraw) DrawCross(result+position2D, Color.yellow, 0.5f);

				// Can be uncommented for higher quality local avoidance
				/*for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
				 *  Vector2 p = desiredVelocity + new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI*2*(i/3.0f)), Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI*2*(i/3.0f)));
				 *  float score;
				 *  Vector2 res = Trace ( vos, voCount, p, velocity.magnitude*simulator.qualityCutoff, out score );
				 *  if ( score < best ) {
				 *      //if ( score < best*0.9f ) Debug.Log ("Better " + score + " < " + best);
				 *      result = res;
				 *      best = score;
				 *  }
				 * }*/

					Vector2 p = Velocity;
					float score;
					Vector2 res = Trace(vos, voCount, p, cutoff, out score);

					if (score < best) {
						//if ( score < best*0.9f ) Debug.Log ("Better " + score + " < " + best);
						result = res;
						best = score;
					if (DebugDraw) DrawCross(res+position2D, Color.magenta, 0.5f);
			} else {
				// Adaptive sampling

				Vector2[] samplePos = context.samplePos;
				float[] sampleSize = context.sampleSize;
				int samplePosCount = 0;

				Vector2 desired2D = new Vector2(desiredVelocity.x, desiredVelocity.z);
				float sampleScale = Mathf.Max(radius, Mathf.Max(desired2D.magnitude, Velocity.magnitude));
				samplePos[samplePosCount] = desired2D;
				sampleSize[samplePosCount] = sampleScale*0.3f;

				const float GridScale = 0.3f;

				// Initial 9 samples
				samplePos[samplePosCount] = optimalVelocity;
				sampleSize[samplePosCount] = sampleScale*GridScale;

					Vector2 fw = optimalVelocity * 0.5f;
					Vector2 rw = new Vector2(fw.y, -fw.x);

					const int Steps = 8;
					for (int i = 0; i < Steps; i++) {
						samplePos[samplePosCount] = rw * Mathf.Sin(i*Mathf.PI*2 / Steps) + fw * (1 + Mathf.Cos(i*Mathf.PI*2 / Steps));
						sampleSize[samplePosCount] = (1.0f - (Mathf.Abs(i - Steps*0.5f)/Steps))*sampleScale*0.5f;

					const float InnerScale = 0.6f;
					fw *= InnerScale;
					rw *= InnerScale;

					const int Steps2 = 6;
					for (int i = 0; i < Steps2; i++) {
						samplePos[samplePosCount] = rw * Mathf.Cos((i+0.5f)*Mathf.PI*2 / Steps2) + fw * ((1.0f/InnerScale) + Mathf.Sin((i+0.5f)*Mathf.PI*2 / Steps2));
						sampleSize[samplePosCount] = sampleScale*0.3f;

					const float TargetScale = 0.2f;

					const int Steps3 = 6;
					for (int i = 0; i < Steps3; i++) {
						samplePos[samplePosCount] = optimalVelocity + new Vector2(sampleScale * TargetScale * Mathf.Cos((i+0.5f)*Mathf.PI*2 / Steps3), sampleScale * TargetScale * Mathf.Sin((i+0.5f)*Mathf.PI*2 / Steps3));
						sampleSize[samplePosCount] = sampleScale*TargetScale*2;

				samplePos[samplePosCount] = optimalVelocity*0.5f;
				sampleSize[samplePosCount] = sampleScale*0.4f;

				const int KeepCount = Simulator.WorkerContext.KeepCount;
				Vector2[] bestPos = context.bestPos;
				float[] bestSizes = context.bestSizes;
				float[] bestScores = context.bestScores;

				for (int i = 0; i < KeepCount; i++) {
					bestScores[i] = float.PositiveInfinity;
				bestScores[KeepCount] = float.NegativeInfinity;

				Vector2 bestEver = optimalVelocity;
				float bestEverScore = float.PositiveInfinity;

				for (int sub = 0; sub < 3; sub++) {
					for (int i = 0; i < samplePosCount; i++) {
						float score = 0;
						for (int vo = 0; vo < voCount; vo++) {
							score = System.Math.Max(score, vos[vo].ScalarSample(samplePos[i]));
						// Note that velocity is a vector and speed is a scalar, not the same thing
						float bonusForDesiredVelocity = (samplePos[i] - desired2D).magnitude;

						// This didn't work out as well as I though
						// Code left here because I might reenable it later
						//float bonusForDesiredSpeed = Mathf.Abs (samplePos[i].magnitude - desired2D.magnitude);

						float biasedScore = score + bonusForDesiredVelocity*DesiredVelocityWeight;// + bonusForDesiredSpeed*0;
						score += bonusForDesiredVelocity*0.001f;

						if (DebugDraw) {
							DrawCross(position2D + samplePos[i], Rainbow(Mathf.Log(score+1)*5), sampleSize[i]*0.5f);

						if (biasedScore < bestScores[0]) {
							for (int j = 0; j < KeepCount; j++) {
								if (biasedScore >= bestScores[j+1]) {
									bestScores[j] = biasedScore;
									bestSizes[j] = sampleSize[i];
									bestPos[j] = samplePos[i];

						if (score < bestEverScore) {
							bestEver = samplePos[i];
							bestEverScore = score;

							if (score == 0) {
								sub = 100;

					samplePosCount = 0;

					for (int i = 0; i < KeepCount; i++) {
						Vector2 p = bestPos[i];
						float s = bestSizes[i];
						bestScores[i] = float.PositiveInfinity;

						const float Half = 0.6f;

						float offset = s * Half * 0.5f;

						samplePos[samplePosCount+0] = (p + new Vector2(+offset, +offset));
						samplePos[samplePosCount+1] = (p + new Vector2(-offset, +offset));
						samplePos[samplePosCount+2] = (p + new Vector2(-offset, -offset));
						samplePos[samplePosCount+3] = (p + new Vector2(+offset, -offset));

						s *= s * Half;
						sampleSize[samplePosCount+0] = (s);
						sampleSize[samplePosCount+1] = (s);
						sampleSize[samplePosCount+2] = (s);
						sampleSize[samplePosCount+3] = (s);
						samplePosCount += 4;

				result = bestEver;

			if (DebugDraw) DrawCross(result+position2D);

			newVelocity = To3D(Vector2.ClampMagnitude(result, maxSpeed));