LuaInterface.ObjectTranslator.addObject C# (CSharp) Method

addObject() private method

private addObject ( object obj ) : int
obj object
return int
        int addObject(object obj)
            // New object: inserts it in the list
            int index = nextObj++;

            // Debug.WriteLine("Adding " + obj.ToString() + " @ " + index);

            objects[index] = obj;
            objectsBackMap[obj] = index;

            return index;

Usage Example

Beispiel #1
        public static int registerTable(IntPtr luaState)
#if __NOGEN__
            throwError(luaState, "Tables as Objects not implemnented");
            ObjectTranslator translator = ObjectTranslator.FromState(luaState);
            if (LuaDLL.lua_type(luaState, 1) == LuaTypes.LUA_TTABLE)
                LuaTable luaTable       = translator.getTable(luaState, 1);
                string   superclassName = LuaDLL.lua_tostring(luaState, 2);
                if (superclassName != null)
                    Type klass = translator.FindType(superclassName);
                    if (klass != null)
                        // Creates and pushes the object in the stack, setting
                        // it as the  metatable of the first argument
                        object obj = CodeGeneration.Instance.GetClassInstance(klass, luaTable);
                        translator.pushObject(luaState, obj, "luaNet_metatable");
                        LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(luaState, "__index");
                        LuaDLL.lua_pushvalue(luaState, -3);
                        LuaDLL.lua_settable(luaState, -3);
                        LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(luaState, "__newindex");
                        LuaDLL.lua_pushvalue(luaState, -3);
                        LuaDLL.lua_settable(luaState, -3);
                        LuaDLL.lua_setmetatable(luaState, 1);
                        // Pushes the object again, this time as the base field
                        // of the table and with the luaNet_searchbase metatable
                        LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(luaState, "base");
                        int index = translator.addObject(obj);
                        translator.pushNewObject(luaState, obj, index, "luaNet_searchbase");
                        LuaDLL.lua_rawset(luaState, 1);
                        translator.throwError(luaState, "register_table: can not find superclass '" + superclassName + "'");
                    translator.throwError(luaState, "register_table: superclass name can not be null");
                translator.throwError(luaState, "register_table: first arg is not a table");
All Usage Examples Of LuaInterface.ObjectTranslator::addObject