ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.Completion.CSharpCompletionEngine.HandleKeywordCompletion C# (CSharp) Method

HandleKeywordCompletion() private method

private HandleKeywordCompletion ( int wordStart, string word ) : IEnumerable
wordStart int
word string
return IEnumerable
		IEnumerable<ICompletionData> HandleKeywordCompletion(int wordStart, string word)
			if (IsInsideCommentStringOrDirective()) {
				if (IsInPreprocessorDirective()) {
					if (word == "if" || word == "elif") {
						if (wordStart > 0 && document.GetCharAt(wordStart - 1) == '#') {
							return factory.CreatePreProcessorDefinesCompletionData();
				return null;
			switch (word) {
				case "namespace":
					return null;
				case "using":
					if (currentType != null) {
						return null;
					var wrapper = new CompletionDataWrapper(this);
					AddTypesAndNamespaces(wrapper, GetState(), null, t => null);
					return wrapper.Result;
				case "case":
					return CreateCaseCompletionData(location);
			//				case ",":
			//				case ":":
			//					if (result.ExpressionContext == ExpressionContext.InheritableType) {
			//						IType cls = NRefactoryResolver.GetTypeAtCursor (Document.CompilationUnit, Document.FileName, new TextLocation (completionContext.TriggerLine, completionContext.TriggerLineOffset));
			//						CompletionDataList completionList = new ProjectDomCompletionDataList ();
			//						List<string > namespaceList = GetUsedNamespaces ();
			//						var col = new CSharpTextEditorCompletion.CompletionDataCollector (this, dom, completionList, Document.CompilationUnit, null, location);
			//						bool isInterface = false;
			//						HashSet<string > baseTypeNames = new HashSet<string> ();
			//						if (cls != null) {
			//							baseTypeNames.Add (cls.Name);
			//							if (cls.ClassType == ClassType.Struct)
			//								isInterface = true;
			//						}
			//						int tokenIndex = offset;
			//						// Search base types " : [Type1, ... ,TypeN,] <Caret>"
			//						string token = null;
			//						do {
			//							token = GetPreviousToken (ref tokenIndex, false);
			//							if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (token))
			//								break;
			//							token = token.Trim ();
			//							if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit (token [0]) || token [0] == '_') {
			//								IType baseType = dom.SearchType (Document.CompilationUnit, cls, result.Region.Start, token);
			//								if (baseType != null) {
			//									if (baseType.ClassType != ClassType.Interface)
			//										isInterface = true;
			//									baseTypeNames.Add (baseType.Name);
			//								}
			//							}
			//						} while (token != ":");
			//						foreach (object o in dom.GetNamespaceContents (namespaceList, true, true)) {
			//							IType type = o as IType;
			//							if (type != null && (type.IsStatic || type.IsSealed || baseTypeNames.Contains (type.Name) || isInterface && type.ClassType != ClassType.Interface)) {
			//								continue;
			//							}
			//							if (o is Namespace && !namespaceList.Any (ns => ns.StartsWith (((Namespace)o).FullName)))
			//								continue;
			//							col.Add (o);
			//						}
			//						// Add inner classes
			//						Stack<IType > innerStack = new Stack<IType> ();
			//						innerStack.Push (cls);
			//						while (innerStack.Count > 0) {
			//							IType curType = innerStack.Pop ();
			//							if (curType == null)
			//								continue;
			//							foreach (IType innerType in curType.InnerTypes) {
			//								if (innerType != cls)
			//									// don't add the calling class as possible base type
			//									col.Add (innerType);
			//							}
			//							if (curType.DeclaringType != null)
			//								innerStack.Push (curType.DeclaringType);
			//						}
			//						return completionList;
			//					}
			//					break;
				case "is":
				case "as":
					if (currentType == null) {
						return null;
					IType isAsType = null;
					var isAsExpression = GetExpressionAt(wordStart);
					if (isAsExpression != null) {
						var parent = isAsExpression.Node.Parent;
						if (parent is VariableInitializer) {
							parent = parent.Parent;
						if (parent is VariableDeclarationStatement) {
							var resolved = ResolveExpression(parent);
							if (resolved != null) {
								isAsType = resolved.Item1.Type;
					var isAsWrapper = new CompletionDataWrapper(this);
					var def = isAsType != null ? isAsType.GetDefinition() : null;
					t => t.GetDefinition() == null || def == null || t.GetDefinition().IsDerivedFrom(def) ? t : null,
					m => false);
					return isAsWrapper.Result;
			//					{
			//						CompletionDataList completionList = new ProjectDomCompletionDataList ();
			//						ExpressionResult expressionResult = FindExpression (dom, completionContext, wordStart - document.Caret.Offset);
			//						NRefactoryResolver resolver = CreateResolver ();
			//						ResolveResult resolveResult = resolver.Resolve (expressionResult, new TextLocation (completionContext.TriggerLine, completionContext.TriggerLineOffset));
			//						if (resolveResult != null && resolveResult.ResolvedType != null) {
			//							CompletionDataCollector col = new CompletionDataCollector (this, dom, completionList, Document.CompilationUnit, resolver.CallingType, location);
			//							IType foundType = null;
			//							if (word == "as") {
			//								ExpressionContext exactContext = new NewCSharpExpressionFinder (dom).FindExactContextForAsCompletion (document, Document.CompilationUnit, Document.FileName, resolver.CallingType);
			//								if (exactContext is ExpressionContext.TypeExpressionContext) {
			//									foundType = resolver.SearchType (((ExpressionContext.TypeExpressionContext)exactContext).Type);
			//									AddAsCompletionData (col, foundType);
			//								}
			//							}
			//							if (foundType == null)
			//								foundType = resolver.SearchType (resolveResult.ResolvedType);
			//							if (foundType != null) {
			//								if (foundType.ClassType == ClassType.Interface)
			//									foundType = resolver.SearchType (DomReturnType.Object);
			//								foreach (IType type in dom.GetSubclasses (foundType)) {
			//									if (type.IsSpecialName || type.Name.StartsWith ("<"))
			//										continue;
			//									AddAsCompletionData (col, type);
			//								}
			//							}
			//							List<string > namespaceList = GetUsedNamespaces ();
			//							foreach (object o in dom.GetNamespaceContents (namespaceList, true, true)) {
			//								if (o is IType) {
			//									IType type = (IType)o;
			//									if (type.ClassType != ClassType.Interface || type.IsSpecialName || type.Name.StartsWith ("<"))
			//										continue;
			//	//								if (foundType != null && !dom.GetInheritanceTree (foundType).Any (x => x.FullName == type.FullName))
			//	//									continue;
			//									AddAsCompletionData (col, type);
			//									continue;
			//								}
			//								if (o is Namespace)
			//									continue;
			//								col.Add (o);
			//							}
			//							return completionList;
			//						}
			//						result.ExpressionContext = ExpressionContext.TypeName;
			//						return CreateCtrlSpaceCompletionData (completionContext, result);
			//					}
				case "override":
				// Look for modifiers, in order to find the beginning of the declaration
					int firstMod = wordStart;
					int i = wordStart;
					for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
						string mod = GetPreviousToken(ref i, true);
						if (mod == "public" || mod == "protected" || mod == "private" || mod == "internal" || mod == "sealed") {
							firstMod = i;
						} else if (mod == "static") {
							// static methods are not overridable
							return null;
						} else {
					if (!IsLineEmptyUpToEol()) {
						return null;
					if (currentType != null && (currentType.Kind == TypeKind.Class || currentType.Kind == TypeKind.Struct)) {
						string modifiers = document.GetText(firstMod, wordStart - firstMod);
						return GetOverrideCompletionData(currentType, modifiers);
					return null;
				case "partial":
				// Look for modifiers, in order to find the beginning of the declaration
					firstMod = wordStart;
					i = wordStart;
					for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
						string mod = GetPreviousToken(ref i, true);
						if (mod == "public" || mod == "protected" || mod == "private" || mod == "internal" || mod == "sealed") {
							firstMod = i;
						} else if (mod == "static") {
							// static methods are not overridable
							return null;
						} else {
					if (!IsLineEmptyUpToEol()) {
						return null;
					var state = GetState();
					if (state.CurrentTypeDefinition != null && (state.CurrentTypeDefinition.Kind == TypeKind.Class || state.CurrentTypeDefinition.Kind == TypeKind.Struct)) {
						string modifiers = document.GetText(firstMod, wordStart - firstMod);
						return GetPartialCompletionData(state.CurrentTypeDefinition, modifiers);
					return null;
				case "public":
				case "protected":
				case "private":
				case "internal":
				case "sealed":
				case "static":
					var accessorContext = HandleAccessorContext();
					if (accessorContext != null) {
						return accessorContext;
					wrapper = new CompletionDataWrapper(this);
					state = GetState();
					if (currentType != null) {
						AddTypesAndNamespaces(wrapper, state, null, null, m => false);
						AddKeywords(wrapper, primitiveTypesKeywords);
					AddKeywords(wrapper, typeLevelKeywords);
					return wrapper.Result;
				case "new":
					int j = offset - 4;
				//				string token = GetPreviousToken (ref j, true);
					IType hintType = null;
					var expressionOrVariableDeclaration = GetNewExpressionAt(j);
					if (expressionOrVariableDeclaration == null)
						return null;
					var astResolver = CompletionContextProvider.GetResolver(GetState(), expressionOrVariableDeclaration.Unit);
					hintType = CreateFieldAction.GetValidTypes(
					expressionOrVariableDeclaration.Node as Expression
					return CreateTypeCompletionData(hintType);
				case "yield":
					var yieldDataList = new CompletionDataWrapper(this);
					DefaultCompletionString = "return";
					return yieldDataList.Result;
				case "in":
					var inList = new CompletionDataWrapper(this);
					var expr = GetExpressionAtCursor();
					var rr = ResolveExpression(expr);
					rr != null ? rr.Item2 : GetState(),
					return inList.Result;
			return null;