BEPUphysics.Constraints.TwoEntity.Joints.NoRotationJoint.Update C# (CSharp) Method

Update() public method

Initializes the constraint for the current frame.
public Update ( float dt ) : void
dt float Time between frames.
return void
        public override void Update(float dt)
            Quaternion quaternionA;
            Quaternion.Multiply(ref connectionA.orientation, ref initialQuaternionConjugateA, out quaternionA);
            Quaternion quaternionB;
            Quaternion.Multiply(ref connectionB.orientation, ref initialQuaternionConjugateB, out quaternionB);
            Quaternion.Conjugate(ref quaternionB, out quaternionB);
            Quaternion intermediate;
            Quaternion.Multiply(ref quaternionA, ref quaternionB, out intermediate);

            float angle;
            Vector3 axis;
            Toolbox.GetAxisAngleFromQuaternion(ref intermediate, out axis, out angle);

            error.X = axis.X * angle;
            error.Y = axis.Y * angle;
            error.Z = axis.Z * angle;

            float errorReduction;
            springSettings.ComputeErrorReductionAndSoftness(dt, out errorReduction, out softness);
            errorReduction = -errorReduction;
            biasVelocity.X = errorReduction * error.X;
            biasVelocity.Y = errorReduction * error.Y;
            biasVelocity.Z = errorReduction * error.Z;

            //Ensure that the corrective velocity doesn't exceed the max.
            float length = biasVelocity.LengthSquared();
            if (length > maxCorrectiveVelocitySquared)
                float multiplier = maxCorrectiveVelocity / (float) Math.Sqrt(length);
                biasVelocity.X *= multiplier;
                biasVelocity.Y *= multiplier;
                biasVelocity.Z *= multiplier;

            Matrix3x3.Add(ref connectionA.inertiaTensorInverse, ref connectionB.inertiaTensorInverse, out effectiveMassMatrix);
            effectiveMassMatrix.M11 += softness;
            effectiveMassMatrix.M22 += softness;
            effectiveMassMatrix.M33 += softness;
            Matrix3x3.Invert(ref effectiveMassMatrix, out effectiveMassMatrix);
