Axiom.Media.DDSCodec.UnpackDXTColour C# (CSharp) Method

UnpackDXTColour() private method

private UnpackDXTColour ( PixelFormat pf, DXTColorBlock block, ColorEx pCol ) : void
pf PixelFormat
block DXTColorBlock
pCol Axiom.Core.ColorEx
return void
		private void UnpackDXTColour(PixelFormat pf, DXTColorBlock block, ColorEx[] pCol)
    		// Note - we assume all values have already been endian swapped

    		// Colour lookup table
    		ColorEx[] derivedColours = new ColorEx[4];

    		IntPtr color0 = Memory.PinObject( block.Color0 );
    		IntPtr color1 = Memory.PinObject( block.Color1 );
    		if ( pf == PixelFormat.DXT1 && block.Color0 <= block.Color1 )
    			// 1-bit alpha
    			derivedColours[ 0 ] = PixelConverter.UnpackColor( PixelFormat.R5G6B5, color0 );
    			derivedColours[ 1 ] = PixelConverter.UnpackColor( PixelFormat.R5G6B5, color1 );
    			// one intermediate colour, half way between the other two
    			derivedColours[ 2 ] = ( derivedColours[ 0 ] + derivedColours[ 1 ] ) / 2;
    			// transparent colour
    			derivedColours[ 3 ] = ColorEx.Black;
    			derivedColours[ 0 ] = PixelConverter.UnpackColor( PixelFormat.R5G6B5, color0 );
    			derivedColours[ 1 ] = PixelConverter.UnpackColor( PixelFormat.R5G6B5, color1 );
    			// first interpolated colour, 1/3 of the way along
    			derivedColours[ 2 ] = ( derivedColours[ 0 ] * 2f + derivedColours[ 1 ] ) / 3;
    			// second interpolated colour, 2/3 of the way along
    			derivedColours[ 3 ] = ( derivedColours[ 0 ] + derivedColours[ 1 ] * 2f ) / 3;
    		Memory.UnpinObject( block.Color0 );
    		Memory.UnpinObject( block.Color1 );

    		// Process 4x4 block of texels
    		for ( int row = 0; row < 4; ++row )
    			for ( int x = 0; x < 4; ++x )
    				// LSB come first
    				int colIdx = ( block.IndexRow[ row ] >> ( x * 2 ) & 0x3 );
    				if ( pf == PixelFormat.DXT1 )
    					// Overwrite entire colour
    					pCol[ ( row * 4 ) + x ] = derivedColours[ colIdx ];
    					// alpha has already been read (alpha precedes color)
    					ColorEx col = pCol[ ( row * 4 ) + x ];
    					col.r = derivedColours[ colIdx ].r;
    					col.g = derivedColours[ colIdx ].g;
    					col.b = derivedColours[ colIdx ].b;
