Accord.Math.Vector.Interval C# (CSharp) Method

Interval() public static method

Creates an interval vector.
public static Interval ( double a, double b, int steps ) : double[]
a double
b double
steps int
return double[]
        public static double[] Interval(double a, double b, int steps)
            if (a == b)
                return new [] { a };

            if (steps == Int32.MaxValue)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("steps",
                    "input must be lesser than Int32.MaxValue");

            var r = new double[steps + 1];

            if (a > b)
                double stepSize = (double)((a - b) / (double)steps);
                for (uint i = 0; i < r.Length; i++)
                    r[i] = (double)(a - i * stepSize);
                r[steps] = (double)(b);
                var stepSize = (double)((b - a) / (double)steps);
                for (uint i = 0; i < r.Length; i++)
                    r[i] = (double)(a + i * stepSize);
                r[steps] = (double)(b);

            return r;

Same methods

Vector::Interval ( byte a, byte b ) : byte[]
Vector::Interval ( byte a, byte b, byte stepSize ) : byte[]
Vector::Interval ( byte a, byte b, int steps ) : byte[]
Vector::Interval ( this range, byte stepSize ) : byte[]
Vector::Interval ( this range, int steps ) : byte[]
Vector::Interval ( decimal a, decimal b ) : decimal[]
Vector::Interval ( decimal a, decimal b, decimal stepSize ) : decimal[]
Vector::Interval ( decimal a, decimal b, int steps ) : decimal[]
Vector::Interval ( double a, double b ) : double[]
Vector::Interval ( double a, double b, double stepSize ) : double[]
Vector::Interval ( this range, double stepSize ) : double[]
Vector::Interval ( this range, int steps ) : double[]
Vector::Interval ( float a, float b ) : float[]
Vector::Interval ( float a, float b, float stepSize ) : float[]
Vector::Interval ( float a, float b, int steps ) : float[]
Vector::Interval ( this range, float stepSize ) : float[]
Vector::Interval ( this range, int steps ) : float[]
Vector::Interval ( int a, int b ) : int[]
Vector::Interval ( int a, int b, double stepSize ) : int[]
Vector::Interval ( int a, int b, int steps ) : int[]
Vector::Interval ( this range, double stepSize ) : int[]
Vector::Interval ( this range, int steps ) : int[]
Vector::Interval ( long a, long b ) : long[]
Vector::Interval ( long a, long b, int steps ) : long[]
Vector::Interval ( long a, long b, long stepSize ) : long[]
Vector::Interval ( sbyte a, sbyte b ) : sbyte[]
Vector::Interval ( sbyte a, sbyte b, int steps ) : sbyte[]
Vector::Interval ( sbyte a, sbyte b, sbyte stepSize ) : sbyte[]
Vector::Interval ( short a, short b ) : short[]
Vector::Interval ( short a, short b, int steps ) : short[]
Vector::Interval ( short a, short b, short stepSize ) : short[]
Vector::Interval ( ulong a, ulong b ) : ulong[]
Vector::Interval ( ulong a, ulong b, int steps ) : ulong[]
Vector::Interval ( ulong a, ulong b, ulong stepSize ) : ulong[]
Vector::Interval ( ushort a, ushort b ) : ushort[]
Vector::Interval ( ushort a, ushort b, int steps ) : ushort[]
Vector::Interval ( ushort a, ushort b, ushort stepSize ) : ushort[]

Usage Example

Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        ///   Computes the 2-D Gabor kernel.
        /// </summary>
        public static double[,] Kernel2D(int size, double lambda, double theta,
                                         double psi, double sigma, double gamma, bool normalized, GaborKernelKind function)
            double sigmaX = sigma;
            double sigmaY = sigma / gamma;

            double a = Math.Max(
                Math.Abs(size * sigmaX * Math.Cos(theta)),
                Math.Abs(size * sigmaY * Math.Sin(theta)));
            int xMax = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Max(1, a));

            double b = Math.Max(
                Math.Abs(size * sigmaX * Math.Sin(theta)),
                Math.Abs(size * sigmaY * Math.Cos(theta)));
            int yMax = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Max(1, b));

            int[] xValues = Vector.Interval(-xMax, xMax);
            int[] yValues = Vector.Interval(-yMax, yMax);

            Accord.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(xValues.Length == (2 * xMax + 1));
            Accord.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(yValues.Length == (2 * yMax + 1));

            double[,] kernel = new double[xValues.Length, yValues.Length];

            double sum = 0;

            switch (function)
            case GaborKernelKind.Real:
                for (int i = 0; i < xValues.Length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < yValues.Length; j++)
                        sum += kernel[i, j] = Gabor.RealFunction2D(
                            xValues[i], yValues[j], lambda, theta, psi, sigma, gamma);

            case GaborKernelKind.Imaginary:
                for (int i = 0; i < xValues.Length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < yValues.Length; j++)
                        sum += kernel[i, j] = Gabor.ImaginaryFunction2D(
                            xValues[i], yValues[j], lambda, theta, psi, sigma, gamma);

            case GaborKernelKind.Magnitude:
                for (int i = 0; i < xValues.Length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < yValues.Length; j++)
                        sum += kernel[i, j] = Gabor.Function2D(
                            xValues[i], yValues[j], lambda, theta, psi, sigma, gamma).Magnitude;

            case GaborKernelKind.SquaredMagnitude:
                for (int i = 0; i < xValues.Length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < yValues.Length; j++)
                        double v = Gabor.Function2D(
                            xValues[i], yValues[j], lambda, theta, psi, sigma, gamma).Magnitude;
                        sum += kernel[i, j] = v * v;

            if (normalized)
                kernel.Divide(sum, result: kernel);
