AForge.Imaging.HoughLineTransformation.ToBitmap C# (CSharp) Method

ToBitmap() public method

Convert Hough map to bitmap.
Hough transformation was not yet done by calling /// ProcessImage() method.
public ToBitmap ( ) : Bitmap
return System.Drawing.Bitmap
        public Bitmap ToBitmap( )
            // check if Hough transformation was made already
            if ( houghMap == null )
                throw new ApplicationException( "Hough transformation was not done yet." );

            int width = houghMap.GetLength( 1 );
            int height = houghMap.GetLength( 0 );

            // create new image
            Bitmap image = AForge.Imaging.Image.CreateGrayscaleImage( width, height );

            // lock destination bitmap data
            BitmapData imageData = image.LockBits(
                new Rectangle( 0, 0, width, height ),
                ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed );

            int offset = imageData.Stride - width;
            float scale = 255.0f / maxMapIntensity;

            // do the job
                byte * dst = (byte*) imageData.Scan0.ToPointer( );

                for ( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
                    for ( int x = 0; x < width; x++, dst++ )
                        *dst = (byte) System.Math.Min( 255, (int) ( scale * houghMap[y, x] ) );
                    dst += offset;

            // unlock destination images
            image.UnlockBits( imageData );

            return image;

Usage Example

        //1. bright pixel / dark pixel
        //2.lowest gray level
        //3.highest gray level
        //4.number of peaks in the x direction.
        //5.number of peaks in the y direction.
        public static double[] ExtractFeatures(Bitmap bmp,int i)
            //Apply GrayScale
            GrayscaleBT709 greyScaleFilter = new GrayscaleBT709();
            Bitmap newBmp = greyScaleFilter.Apply((Bitmap)bmp.Clone());

            //Count Blobs
            BlobCounter blobCounter = new BlobCounter();
            blobCounter.BackgroundThreshold = Color.FromArgb(255, 150, 150, 150);
            int blobs = (blobCounter.ObjectsCount - 1) * 30;

            //Count Corner
            SusanCornersDetector scd = new SusanCornersDetector();
            scd.DifferenceThreshold = 70;
            scd.GeometricalThreshold = 8;
            int corners = scd.ProcessImage((Bitmap)newBmp.Clone()).Count();

            //Apply Edge Filter
            CannyEdgeDetector filter = new CannyEdgeDetector();
            //newBmp = filter.Apply(newBmp);
            Histogram his = new HorizontalIntensityStatistics(newBmp).Gray;
            Histogram vis = new VerticalIntensityStatistics(newBmp).Gray;

            HoughLineTransformation lineTransform = new HoughLineTransformation();
            // apply Hough line transofrm
            Bitmap houghLineImage = lineTransform.ToBitmap();
            // get lines using relative intensity
            HoughLine[] lines = lineTransform.GetLinesByRelativeIntensity(1);
            int linesCount = lines.Count() * 30;

            double[] features = new double[13] { blobs, corners, his.Max, his.Min, his.Mean, his.Median, his.StdDev,
                vis.Max, vis.Min, vis.Mean, vis.Median, vis.StdDev,linesCount};

            //double[] features = new double[3] { blobs, corners,lines};

            return features;
All Usage Examples Of AForge.Imaging.HoughLineTransformation::ToBitmap