TVSorter.Model.FileResult.FormatName C# (CSharp) Метод

FormatName() приватный Метод

Formatted the name of an episode or show
private FormatName ( string name, string arg ) : string
name string /// The name of the episode/show ///
arg string /// The variable's argument, should be the separator char ///
Результат string
        private string FormatName(string name, string arg)
            // Break into separate words
            string[] parts = name.Split(' ');

            // Characters that can be used as separators, if there is one of these at the start
            // or end of a part then it won't put the arg character next to it. This is to avoid
            // outputs like Day.1.12.00.-.1.00 for a 24 episode since .-. looks silly.
            // Or names with titles in like Mr. Smith would be Mr..Smith - equally silly.
            var separatorChars = new[] { '-', ':', '_', '.', ',' };

            // The new name to be returned
            string newName = parts[0];

            // Loop through each part appending it with the appropriate separator
            for (int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++)
                // Check for the separator chars at the start of this part of the end of the next.
                bool prefix =
                    separatorChars.Select(x => x.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).All(
                        sep => !parts[i].StartsWith(sep) && !parts[i - 1].EndsWith(sep));

                // If there is already a prefix then don't add another
                // Add the arg character
                if (prefix)
                    newName += arg;

                // Add the part
                newName += parts[i];

            // If the string ends with a separator character then remove it
            newName = newName.TrimEnd(separatorChars);

            return newName;