Nexus.Transactions.Transaction.Prepare C# (CSharp) Метод

Prepare() приватный Метод

Prepares the enlisted resource managers for committal.
private Prepare ( ) : bool
Результат bool
		internal bool Prepare()
			/*if (TransactionInformation.Status == TransactionStatus.Aborted)
				return false;

			if (TransactionInformation.Status != TransactionStatus.Active)
				throw new TransactionException("Cannot prepare transaction, as it is not active. Trasnaction Status: " + TransactionInformation.Status);
			bool booVoteToCommit = true;

			PreparingEnlistment lpeEnlistment = null;
			IEnlistmentNotification entNotification = null;
			for (Int32 i = m_lstNotifications.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
				entNotification = m_lstNotifications[i];
				lpeEnlistment = new PreparingEnlistment();
				if (lpeEnlistment.VoteToCommit.HasValue)
					booVoteToCommit &= lpeEnlistment.VoteToCommit.Value;
					if (lpeEnlistment.DoneProcessing)
					booVoteToCommit = false;
					TransactionInformation.Status = TransactionStatus.InDoubt;
			if (TransactionInformation.Status == TransactionStatus.InDoubt)
			return booVoteToCommit;

Usage Example

Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Completes the transaction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method gets votes from all the participants on whether or not the transaction should be committed.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Complete()
            if (m_booCompleted)
                throw new TransactionException("Complete has already been called.");

            if (m_trnTransaction.TransactionInformation.Status == TransactionStatus.Aborted)
                throw new TransactionAbortedException("Cannot complete a transaction scope when transaction has already been aborted.");

            if (m_booOwnsTransaction)
                bool booVotedToCommit = false;
                booVotedToCommit = m_trnTransaction.Prepare();
                if (booVotedToCommit && (m_trnTransaction.TransactionInformation.Status == TransactionStatus.Active))
            m_booCompleted = true;