MySql.Data.Types.MySqlGuid.SetDSInfo C# (CSharp) Метод

SetDSInfo() публичный статический Метод

public static SetDSInfo ( DataTable dsTable ) : void
dsTable System.Data.DataTable
Результат void
		public static void SetDSInfo(DataTable dsTable)
			// we use name indexing because this method will only be called
			// when GetSchema is called for the DataSourceInformation 
			// collection and then it wil be cached.
			DataRow row = dsTable.NewRow();
			row["TypeName"] = "GUID";
			row["ProviderDbType"] = MySqlDbType.Guid;
			row["ColumnSize"] = 0;
			row["CreateFormat"] = "BINARY(16)";
			row["CreateParameters"] = null;
			row["DataType"] = "System.Guid";
			row["IsAutoincrementable"] = false;
			row["IsBestMatch"] = true;
			row["IsCaseSensitive"] = false;
			row["IsFixedLength"] = true;
			row["IsFixedPrecisionScale"] = true;
			row["IsLong"] = false;
			row["IsNullable"] = true;
			row["IsSearchable"] = false;
			row["IsSearchableWithLike"] = false;
			row["IsUnsigned"] = false;
			row["MaximumScale"] = 0;
			row["MinimumScale"] = 0;
			row["IsConcurrencyType"] = DBNull.Value;
			row["IsLiteralSupported"] = false;
			row["LiteralPrefix"] = null;
			row["LiteralSuffix"] = null;
			row["NativeDataType"] = null;