Aura.Channel.Network.Sending.Send.ContinentWarpCoolDownR C# (CSharp) Метод

ContinentWarpCoolDownR() публичный статический Метод

Sends ContinentWarpCoolDownR to creature's client.
On login the first parameter always seems to be a 1 byte. If it's not, after a continent warp for example, the packet has two more date parameters, with times 18 minutes apart from each other. The first date is the time of the last continent warp reset, 00:00 or 12:00. The second date is the time of the next reset. Based on those two times the skill icon cool down is displayed.
public static ContinentWarpCoolDownR ( Creature creature ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
Результат void
		public static void ContinentWarpCoolDownR(Creature creature)
			var packet = new Packet(Op.ContinentWarpCoolDownR, creature.EntityId);

			// Alternative structure: (Conti and Nao warps)
			// 001 [..............00]  Byte   : 0
			// 002 [000039BA86EA43C0]  Long   : 000039BA86EA43C0 // 2012-May-22 15:30:00
			// 003 [000039BA86FABE80]  Long   : 000039BA86FABE80 // 2012-May-22 15:48:00
