AnalyzeRawProtobuf.Program.EnumOptions C# (CSharp) Метод

EnumOptions() приватный Метод

The enum options.
private EnumOptions ( uint totalLength, EnumOptions options ) : void
totalLength uint /// The total length. ///
options EnumOptions /// The options. ///
Результат void
        private void EnumOptions(uint totalLength, EnumOptions options)

            while (totalLength != 0)
                int type, no;
                var l = GetTypeAndFieldNo(out type, out no);
                ix += l;
                totalLength -= (uint)l;

                switch (no)
                    case 2: // bool allow_alias
                            uint value;
                            var ixl = GetVarint(out value);
                            ix += ixl;
                            totalLength -= (uint)ixl;
                            options.AllowAlias = value != 0;
                            Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2}, allow_alias = {3}", type, no, ixl, value));

                    case 3: // bool deprecated
                            uint value;
                            var ixl = GetVarint(out value);
                            ix += ixl;
                            totalLength -= (uint)ixl;
                            options.Deprecated = value != 0;
                            Write(string.Format("Type = {0}, F#= {1}, Length = {2}, Deprecated = {3}", type, no, ixl, value));
