StreetFoo.Client.ReportItem.IsCacheEmpty C# (CSharp) Method

IsCacheEmpty() static private method

static private IsCacheEmpty ( ) : Task
return Task
        internal static async Task<bool> IsCacheEmpty()
            var conn = StreetFooRuntime.GetUserDatabase();
            return (await conn.Table<ReportItem>().FirstOrDefaultAsync()) == null;

Usage Example

Exemplo n.º 1
        private async Task DoRefresh(bool force)
            // run...
            using (this.EnterBusy())
                // update the local cache...
                if (force || await ReportItem.IsCacheEmpty())
                    await ReportItem.UpdateCacheFromServerAsync();

                // reload the items...
                await this.ReloadReportsFromCacheAsync();