UIProgressBar.ForceUpdate C# (CSharp) Method

ForceUpdate() public method

Update the value of the scroll bar.
public ForceUpdate ( ) : void
return void
	public virtual void ForceUpdate ()
		mIsDirty = false;

		if (mFG != null)
			UIBasicSprite sprite = mFG as UIBasicSprite;

			if (isHorizontal)
				if (sprite != null && sprite.type == UIBasicSprite.Type.Filled)
					if (sprite.fillDirection == UIBasicSprite.FillDirection.Horizontal ||
						sprite.fillDirection == UIBasicSprite.FillDirection.Vertical)
						sprite.fillDirection = UIBasicSprite.FillDirection.Horizontal;
						sprite.invert = isInverted;
					sprite.fillAmount = value;
					mFG.drawRegion = isInverted ?
						new Vector4(1f - value, 0f, 1f, 1f) :
						new Vector4(0f, 0f, value, 1f);
			else if (sprite != null && sprite.type == UIBasicSprite.Type.Filled)
				if (sprite.fillDirection == UIBasicSprite.FillDirection.Horizontal ||
					sprite.fillDirection == UIBasicSprite.FillDirection.Vertical)
					sprite.fillDirection = UIBasicSprite.FillDirection.Vertical;
					sprite.invert = isInverted;
				sprite.fillAmount = value;
				mFG.drawRegion = isInverted ?
					new Vector4(0f, 1f - value, 1f, 1f) :
					new Vector4(0f, 0f, 1f, value);

		if (thumb != null && (mFG != null || mBG != null))
			Vector3[] corners = (mFG != null) ? mFG.localCorners : mBG.localCorners;

			Vector4 br = (mFG != null) ? mFG.border : mBG.border;
			corners[0].x += br.x;
			corners[1].x += br.x;
			corners[2].x -= br.z;
			corners[3].x -= br.z;

			corners[0].y += br.y;
			corners[1].y -= br.w;
			corners[2].y -= br.w;
			corners[3].y += br.y;

			Transform t = (mFG != null) ? mFG.cachedTransform : mBG.cachedTransform;
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) corners[i] = t.TransformPoint(corners[i]);

			if (isHorizontal)
				Vector3 v0 = Vector3.Lerp(corners[0], corners[1], 0.5f);
				Vector3 v1 = Vector3.Lerp(corners[2], corners[3], 0.5f);
				SetThumbPosition(Vector3.Lerp(v0, v1, isInverted ? 1f - value : value));
				Vector3 v0 = Vector3.Lerp(corners[0], corners[3], 0.5f);
				Vector3 v1 = Vector3.Lerp(corners[1], corners[2], 0.5f);
				SetThumbPosition(Vector3.Lerp(v0, v1, isInverted ? 1f - value : value));

Usage Example

Exemplo n.º 1
    private static int ForceUpdate(IntPtr L)
        LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 1);
        UIProgressBar uIProgressBar = (UIProgressBar)LuaScriptMgr.GetUnityObjectSelf(L, 1, "UIProgressBar");

All Usage Examples Of UIProgressBar::ForceUpdate