System.Uri.GetParts C# (CSharp) Method

GetParts() private method

private GetParts ( UriComponents uriParts, UriFormat formatAs ) : string
uriParts UriComponents
formatAs UriFormat
return string
        internal string GetParts(UriComponents uriParts, UriFormat formatAs)
            return GetComponents(uriParts, formatAs);

Usage Example

Example #1
        // This is for languages that do not support == != operators overloading
        // Note that Uri.Equals will get an optimized path but is limited to true/fasle result only
        public static int Compare(Uri uri1, Uri uri2, UriComponents partsToCompare, UriFormat compareFormat,
                                  StringComparison comparisonType)
            if ((object)uri1 == null)
                if (uri2 == null)
                    return(0); // Equal
                return(-1);    // null < non-null
            if ((object)uri2 == null)
                return(1);     // non-null > null
            // a relative uri is always less than an absolute one
            if (!uri1.IsAbsoluteUri || !uri2.IsAbsoluteUri)
                return(uri1.IsAbsoluteUri ? 1 : uri2.IsAbsoluteUri ? -1 : string.Compare(uri1.OriginalString,
                                                                                         uri2.OriginalString, comparisonType));

                       uri1.GetParts(partsToCompare, compareFormat),
                       uri2.GetParts(partsToCompare, compareFormat),
All Usage Examples Of System.Uri::GetParts