System.Uri.CreateHostString C# (CSharp) Method

CreateHostString() private method

private CreateHostString ( ) : void
return void
        private unsafe void CreateHostString()
            if (!_syntax.IsSimple)
                lock (_info)
                    // ATTN: Avoid possible recursion through 
                    // CreateHostString->Syntax.GetComponents->Uri.GetComponentsHelper->CreateHostString
                    if (NotAny(Flags.ErrorOrParsingRecursion))
                        _flags |= Flags.ErrorOrParsingRecursion;
                        // Need to get host string through the derived type
                        _flags &= ~Flags.ErrorOrParsingRecursion;
            Flags flags = _flags;
            string host = CreateHostStringHelper(_string, _info.Offset.Host, _info.Offset.Path, ref flags, ref _info.ScopeId);

            // now check on canonical host representation
            if (host.Length != 0)
                // An Authority may need escaping except when it's an inet server address
                if (HostType == Flags.BasicHostType)
                    ushort idx = 0;
                    Check result;
                    fixed (char* pHost = host)
                        result = CheckCanonical(pHost, ref idx, (ushort)host.Length, c_DummyChar);

                    if ((result & Check.DisplayCanonical) == 0)
                        // For implicit file the user string must be in perfect display format,
                        // Hence, ignoring complains from CheckCanonical()
                        if (NotAny(Flags.ImplicitFile) || (result & Check.ReservedFound) != 0)
                            flags |= Flags.HostNotCanonical;

                    if (InFact(Flags.ImplicitFile) && (result & (Check.ReservedFound | Check.EscapedCanonical)) != 0)
                        // need to re-escape this host if any escaped sequence was found
                        result &= ~Check.EscapedCanonical;

                    if ((result & (Check.EscapedCanonical | Check.BackslashInPath)) != Check.EscapedCanonical)
                        // we will make a canonical host in m_Info.Host, but mark that m_String holds wrong data
                        flags |= Flags.E_HostNotCanonical;
                        if (NotAny(Flags.UserEscaped))
                            int position = 0;
                            char[] dest = UriHelper.EscapeString(host, 0, host.Length, null, ref position, true, '?',
                                '#', IsImplicitFile ? c_DummyChar : '%');
                            if ((object)dest != null)
                                host = new string(dest, 0, position);
                            // We should throw here but currently just accept user input known as invalid
                else if (NotAny(Flags.CanonicalDnsHost))
                    // Check to see if we can take the canonical host string out of m_String
                    if ((object)_info.ScopeId != null)
                        // IPv6 ScopeId is included when serializing a Uri
                        flags |= (Flags.HostNotCanonical | Flags.E_HostNotCanonical);
                        for (ushort i = 0; i < host.Length; ++i)
                            if ((_info.Offset.Host + i) >= _info.Offset.End ||
                                host[i] != _string[_info.Offset.Host + i])
                                flags |= (Flags.HostNotCanonical | Flags.E_HostNotCanonical);

            _info.Host = host;
            lock (_info)
                _flags |= flags;