UserSimulation.Classification.Deserialize C# (CSharp) 메소드

Deserialize() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static Deserialize ( ) : Classification
리턴 Classification
        public static Classification Deserialize()
            //string file_name = "C:\\\\Users\\Dimitar Gochev\\Documents\\GitHub\\papers\\DataDebug\\PLDI-2014\\Experiments\\ClassificationData_2013-11-14.bin";
            string file_name = "C:\\\\Users\\\\Dimitar Gochev\\\\Documents\\\\GitHub\\\\papers\\\\DataDebug\\\\PLDI-2014\\\\Experiments\\\\ClassificationData_2013-11-14.bin";
            Classification classification;

            using (Stream stream = new FileStream(file_name, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                classification = (Classification)formatter.Deserialize(stream);
            return classification;

Same methods

Classification::Deserialize ( string file_name ) : Classification

Usage Example

예제 #1
        // Get dictionary of inputs and the error they produce
        public Dictionary <AST.Address, Tuple <string, double> > TopOfKErrors(AST.Address[] terminal_formula_nodes, CellDict inputs, int k, CellDict correct_outputs, Excel.Application app, Excel.Workbook wb, string classification_file, DAG dag)
            var eg = new ErrorGenerator();
            var c  = Classification.Deserialize(classification_file);
            var max_error_produced_dictionary = new Dictionary <AST.Address, Tuple <string, double> >();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <AST.Address, string> pair in inputs)
                AST.Address addr       = pair.Key;
                string      orig_value = pair.Value;

                //Load in the classification's dictionaries
                double max_error_produced = 0.0;
                string max_error_string   = "";

                // get k strings, in parallel
                string[] errorstrings = eg.GenerateErrorStrings(orig_value, c, k);

                for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    CellDict cd = new CellDict();
                    cd.Add(addr, errorstrings[i]);
                    //inject the typo
                    Utility.InjectValues(app, wb, cd);

                    // save function outputs
                    CellDict incorrect_outputs = Utility.SaveOutputs(terminal_formula_nodes, dag);

                    //remove the typo that was introduced
                    cd.Add(addr, orig_value);
                    Utility.InjectValues(app, wb, cd);

                    double total_error = Utility.CalculateTotalError(correct_outputs, incorrect_outputs);

                    //keep track of the largest observed max error
                    if (total_error > max_error_produced)
                        max_error_produced = total_error;
                        max_error_string   = errorstrings[i];
                //Add entry for this TreeNode in our dictionary with its max_error_produced
                max_error_produced_dictionary.Add(addr, new Tuple <string, double>(max_error_string, max_error_produced));