System.Xml.Xsl.IlGen.XmlILOptimizerVisitor.CanFoldXsltConvertNonLossy C# (CSharp) 메소드

CanFoldXsltConvertNonLossy() 개인적인 메소드

Return true if XsltConvert applied to a Literal can be folded (i.e. the XsltConvert eliminated), without any loss of information.
private CanFoldXsltConvertNonLossy ( QilNode ndLiteral, XmlQueryType typTarget ) : bool
ndLiteral QilNode
typTarget XmlQueryType
리턴 bool
        private bool CanFoldXsltConvertNonLossy(QilNode ndLiteral, XmlQueryType typTarget) {
            QilNode ndDest;

            // Fold conversion to target type; if conversion cannot be folded, a XsltConvert node is returned
            ndDest = FoldXsltConvert(ndLiteral, typTarget);
            if (ndDest.NodeType == QilNodeType.XsltConvert)
                return false;

            // Convert back to source type; if conversion cannot be folded, a XsltConvert node is returned
            ndDest = FoldXsltConvert(ndDest, ndLiteral.XmlType);
            if (ndDest.NodeType == QilNodeType.XsltConvert)
                return false;

            // If original value is the same as the round-tripped value, then conversion is non-lossy
            return ExtractLiteralValue(ndLiteral).Equals(ExtractLiteralValue(ndDest));