Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_OXORULE.S03_ProcessOutOfOfficeRule.MSOXORULE_S03_TC07_OOFBehaviorsForFlagDisableSpecificOOFRule C# (CSharp) 메소드

MSOXORULE_S03_TC07_OOFBehaviorsForFlagDisableSpecificOOFRule() 개인적인 메소드

        public void MSOXORULE_S03_TC07_OOFBehaviorsForFlagDisableSpecificOOFRule()
            Site.Assume.IsTrue(Common.IsRequirementEnabled(624, this.Site), "This case runs only when implementation does use flag 0x00000080 to disable a specific Out of Office rule.");

            #region Prepare value for ruleProperties variable
            RuleProperties ruleProperties = AdapterHelper.GenerateRuleProperties(this.Site, Constants.RuleNameTag);
            string setOOFMailAddress = this.User1Name + "@" + this.Domain;
            string userPassword = this.User1Password;

            #region TestUser1 adds an OP_TAG rule with PidTagRuleState set to ST_ENABLED | ST_ONLY_WHEN_OOF.
            TagActionData tagActionData = new TagActionData();
            PropertyTag tagActionDataPropertyTag = new PropertyTag
                PropertyId = (ushort)PropertyId.PidTagImportance,
                PropertyType = (ushort)PropertyType.PtypInteger32
            tagActionData.PropertyTag = tagActionDataPropertyTag;
            tagActionData.PropertyValue = BitConverter.GetBytes(2);

            RuleData ruleOpTag = AdapterHelper.GenerateValidRuleData(ActionType.OP_TAG, TestRuleDataType.ForAdd, 1, RuleState.ST_ENABLED | RuleState.ST_ONLY_WHEN_OOF, tagActionData, ruleProperties, null);
            RopModifyRulesResponse ropModifyRulesResponse = this.OxoruleAdapter.RopModifyRules(this.InboxFolderHandle, ModifyRuleFlag.Modify_ReplaceAll, new RuleData[] { ruleOpTag });
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<uint>(0, ropModifyRulesResponse.ReturnValue, "Adding OP_TAG rule should succeed");

            // Call RopGetRulesTable with valid TableFlags.
            RopGetRulesTableResponse ropGetRulesTableResponse;
            uint ruleTableHandle = this.OxoruleAdapter.RopGetRulesTable(this.InboxFolderHandle, TableFlags.Normal, out ropGetRulesTableResponse);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<uint>(0, ropGetRulesTableResponse.ReturnValue, "Getting rule table should succeed.");

            // Get rule properties.
            PropertyTag[] propertyTags = new PropertyTag[2];
            propertyTags[0].PropertyId = (ushort)PropertyId.PidTagRuleName;
            propertyTags[0].PropertyType = (ushort)PropertyType.PtypString;
            propertyTags[1].PropertyId = (ushort)PropertyId.PidTagRuleId;
            propertyTags[1].PropertyType = (ushort)PropertyType.PtypInteger64;

            RopQueryRowsResponse queryRowsResponse = this.OxoruleAdapter.QueryPropertiesInTable(ruleTableHandle, propertyTags);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<uint>(0, queryRowsResponse.ReturnValue, "Retrieving rows from the rule table should succeed.");

            ulong ruleId = 0;

            // Filter the correct rule.
            for (int i = 0; i < queryRowsResponse.RowCount; i++)
                string ruleName = AdapterHelper.PropertyValueConvertToString(queryRowsResponse.RowData.PropertyRows[i].PropertyValues[0].Value);
                if (ruleName == ruleProperties.Name)
                    ruleId = BitConverter.ToUInt64(queryRowsResponse.RowData.PropertyRows[i].PropertyValues[1].Value, 0);


            #region Set TestUser1 to OOF state
            bool isSetOOFSuccess = this.SUTSetOOFAdapter.SetUserOOFSettings(setOOFMailAddress, userPassword, true);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(isSetOOFSuccess, "Turn Out of Office on for {0} should succeed.", this.User1Name);

            #region TestUser2 delivers a message to TestUser1 to trigger these rules.
            string messageSubjectName1 = Common.GenerateResourceName(this.Site, ruleProperties.ConditionSubjectName, 1);

            // Sleep enough time to wait for the rule to take effect.
            this.SUTAdapter.SendMailToRecipient(this.User2Name, this.User2Password, this.User1Name, messageSubjectName1);

            // Sleep enough time to wait for the rule to be executed on the delivered message.

            #region Testuser1 verifies whether the specific property value is set on the received mail.
            PropertyTag[] propertyTagList = new PropertyTag[2];
            propertyTagList[0].PropertyId = (ushort)PropertyId.PidTagImportance;
            propertyTagList[0].PropertyType = (ushort)PropertyType.PtypInteger32;
            propertyTagList[1].PropertyId = (ushort)PropertyId.PidTagSubject;
            propertyTagList[1].PropertyType = (ushort)PropertyType.PtypString;

            uint contentsTableHandle = 0;
            int expectedMessageIndex = 0;
            RopQueryRowsResponse getMailMessageContent = this.GetExpectedMessage(this.InboxFolderHandle, ref contentsTableHandle, propertyTagList, ref expectedMessageIndex, messageSubjectName1);

            // If the PidTagImportance is the value which is set on OP_TAG rule, it means the rule tacks action and the rule sets the property specified in the rule's action buffer structure.
            bool isRuleExecuteWhenInOOFState = BitConverter.ToInt32(getMailMessageContent.RowData.PropertyRows[expectedMessageIndex].PropertyValues[0].Value, 0) == 2;
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(isRuleExecuteWhenInOOFState, "The OP_TAG rule should be executed in OOF state!");

            #region Disable the OP_TAG rule.
            ruleOpTag = AdapterHelper.GenerateValidRuleData(ActionType.OP_TAG, TestRuleDataType.ForModify, 1, RuleState.X_DisableSpecificOOFRule | RuleState.ST_ONLY_WHEN_OOF, tagActionData, ruleProperties, ruleId);
            ropModifyRulesResponse = this.OxoruleAdapter.RopModifyRules(this.InboxFolderHandle, ModifyRuleFlag.Modify_OnExisting, new RuleData[] { ruleOpTag });
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<uint>(0, ropModifyRulesResponse.ReturnValue, "Modifying the OP_TAG rule should succeed.");

            #region TestUser2 delivers a message to TestUser1 to trigger these rules.
            string messageSubjectName2 = Common.GenerateResourceName(this.Site, ruleProperties.ConditionSubjectName, 2);

            // Sleep enough time to wait for the rule to take effect.
            this.SUTAdapter.SendMailToRecipient(this.User2Name, this.User2Password, this.User1Name, messageSubjectName2);

            // Sleep enough time to wait for the rule to be executed on the delivered message.

            #region Testuser1 verifies whether the specific property value is set on the received mail.
            contentsTableHandle = 0;
            expectedMessageIndex = 0;
            getMailMessageContent = this.GetExpectedMessage(this.InboxFolderHandle, ref contentsTableHandle, propertyTagList, ref expectedMessageIndex, messageSubjectName2);

            // If the PidTagImportance is the value which is set on OP_TAG rule, it means the rule tacks action and the rule sets the property specified in the rule's action buffer structure.
            isRuleExecuteWhenInOOFState = BitConverter.ToInt32(getMailMessageContent.RowData.PropertyRows[expectedMessageIndex].PropertyValues[0].Value, 0) == 2;

            #region Capture Code

            // Add the debug information.
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXORULE_R624");

            // Verify MS-OXORULE requirement: MS-OXORULE_R624.
                @"[In Appendix A: Product Behavior] Bit flag 0x00000080 is used to disable a specific Out of Office rule on the implementation. [<1> Section Bit flag 0x00000080 is used to disable a specific Out of Office rule on Exchange 2007.]");

            if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(621, this.Site))
                // Add the debug information.
                Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXORULE_R621");

                // Verify MS-OXORULE requirement: MS-OXORULE_R621.
                // If r624 and r625 are completed, it means it does use the bit flags 0x00000080 and 0x00000100.
                    "[In Appendix A: Product Behavior] The implementation uses bit flags 0x00000080 and 0x00000100 to store information about Out of Office functionality. [<1> Section The Exchange 2007 implementation uses bit flags 0x00000080 and 0x00000100 to store information about Out of Office functionality.]");

            #region Set Testuser1 back to normal state (not in OOF state)
            isSetOOFSuccess = this.SUTSetOOFAdapter.SetUserOOFSettings(setOOFMailAddress, userPassword, false);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(isSetOOFSuccess, "Turn Out of Office off for {0} should succeed.", this.User1Name);