Bloom.Publish.AdobeReaderControl.ShowPdf C# (CSharp) 메소드

ShowPdf() 공개 메소드

Load up the ActiveX control if needed, and show the doc if we can
public ShowPdf ( string pdfFilePath ) : bool
pdfFilePath string
리턴 bool
        public bool ShowPdf(string pdfFilePath)
            if (_adobeReader == null)
                    return false;


                // can't handle non-ascii names _adobeReader.LoadFile(path);
                _adobeReader.src = pdfFilePath;

                _problemLabel.Visible = _problemPicture.Visible = false;
                Enabled = true;
                return true;
            catch (Exception e)
                _problemLabel.Text = LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.AdobeReaderControl.ProblemShowingPDF", "That's strange... Adobe Reader gave an error when trying to show that PDF. You can still try saving the PDF Book.");
                _problemLabel.Visible = _problemPicture.Visible = true;
                Enabled = false;
                return false;