BitMiracle.LibTiff.Classic.Tiff.WriteRawStrip C# (CSharp) 메소드

WriteRawStrip() 공개 메소드

Writes a strip of raw data to an open TIFF file/stream.

WriteRawStrip appends count bytes of raw data from buffer to the specified strip; replacing any previously written data. Note that the value of strip is a "raw strip number". That is, the caller must take into account whether or not the data are organized in separate planes (TiffTag.PLANARCONFIG = PlanarConfig.SEPARATE). ComputeStrip automatically does this when converting an (row, plane) to a strip index.

If there is no space for the strip, the value of TiffTag.IMAGELENGTH tag is automatically increased to include the strip (except for TiffTag.PLANARCONFIG = PlanarConfig.SEPARATE, where the TiffTag.IMAGELENGTH tag cannot be changed once the first data are written). If the TiffTag.IMAGELENGTH is increased, the values of TiffTag.STRIPOFFSETS and TiffTag.STRIPBYTECOUNTS tags are similarly enlarged to reflect data written past the previous end of image.

public WriteRawStrip ( int strip, byte buffer, int count ) : int
strip int The zero-based index of the strip to write.
buffer byte The buffer with raw image data to be written.
count int The maximum number of strip bytes to be read from /// .
리턴 int
        public int WriteRawStrip(int strip, byte[] buffer, int count)
            return WriteRawStrip(strip, buffer, 0, count);

Same methods

Tiff::WriteRawStrip ( int strip, byte buffer, int offset, int count ) : int