BEPUphysics.CollisionTests.CollisionAlgorithms.GJK.PairSimplex.TryTetrahedronTriangle C# (CSharp) 메소드

TryTetrahedronTriangle() 개인적인 정적인 메소드

private static TryTetrahedronTriangle ( Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 &A, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 &B, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 &C, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 &A1, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 &B1, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 &C1, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 &A2, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 &B2, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 &C2, float errorTolerance, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 &otherPoint, PairSimplex &simplex, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3 &point ) : bool
A Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
B Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
C Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
A1 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
B1 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
C1 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
A2 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
B2 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
C2 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
errorTolerance float
otherPoint Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
simplex PairSimplex
point Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector3
리턴 bool
        private static bool TryTetrahedronTriangle(ref Vector3 A, ref Vector3 B, ref Vector3 C,
                                                   ref Vector3 A1, ref Vector3 B1, ref Vector3 C1,
                                                   ref Vector3 A2, ref Vector3 B2, ref Vector3 C2,
                                                   float errorTolerance,
                                                   ref Vector3 otherPoint, out PairSimplex simplex, out Vector3 point)
            //Note that there may be some extra terms that can be removed from this process.
            //Some conditions could use less parameters, since it is known that the origin
            //is not 'behind' BC or AC.

            simplex = new PairSimplex();
            point = new Vector3();

            Vector3 ab, ac;
            Vector3.Subtract(ref B, ref A, out ab);
            Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref A, out ac);
            Vector3 normal;
            Vector3.Cross(ref ab, ref ac, out normal);
            float AdotN, ADdotN;
            Vector3 AD;
            Vector3.Subtract(ref otherPoint, ref A, out AD);
            Vector3.Dot(ref A, ref normal, out AdotN);
            Vector3.Dot(ref AD, ref normal, out ADdotN);

            //If (-A * N) * (AD * N) < 0, D and O are on opposite sides of the triangle.
            if (AdotN * ADdotN >= -Toolbox.Epsilon * errorTolerance)
                //The point we are comparing against the triangle is 0,0,0, so instead of storing an "A->P" vector,
                //just use -A.
                //Same for B->, C->P...

                //Check to see if it's outside A.
                //TODO: Note that in a boolean-style GJK, it shouldn't be possible to be outside A.
                float AdotAB, AdotAC;
                Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref A, out AdotAB);
                Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref A, out AdotAC);
                AdotAB = -AdotAB;
                AdotAC = -AdotAC;
                if (AdotAC <= 0f && AdotAB <= 0)
                    //It is A!
                    simplex.State = SimplexState.Point;
                    simplex.A = A;
                    simplex.U = 1;
                    simplex.SimplexA.A = A1;
                    simplex.SimplexB.A = A2;
                    point = A;
                    return true;

                //Check to see if it's outside B.
                //TODO: Note that in a boolean-style GJK, it shouldn't be possible to be outside B.
                float BdotAB, BdotAC;
                Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref B, out BdotAB);
                Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref B, out BdotAC);
                BdotAB = -BdotAB;
                BdotAC = -BdotAC;
                if (BdotAB >= 0f && BdotAC <= BdotAB)
                    //It is B!
                    simplex.State = SimplexState.Point;
                    simplex.A = B;
                    simplex.U = 1;
                    simplex.SimplexA.A = B1;
                    simplex.SimplexB.A = B2;
                    point = B;
                    return true;

                //Check to see if it's outside AB.
                float vc = AdotAB * BdotAC - BdotAB * AdotAC;
                if (vc <= 0 && AdotAB > 0 && BdotAB < 0) //Note > and < instead of => <=; avoids possibly division by zero
                    simplex.State = SimplexState.Segment;
                    simplex.V = AdotAB / (AdotAB - BdotAB);
                    simplex.U = 1 - simplex.V;
                    simplex.A = A;
                    simplex.B = B;
                    simplex.SimplexA.A = A1;
                    simplex.SimplexB.A = A2;
                    simplex.SimplexA.B = B1;
                    simplex.SimplexB.B = B2;

                    Vector3.Multiply(ref ab, simplex.V, out point);
                    Vector3.Add(ref point, ref A, out point);
                    return true;

                //Check to see if it's outside C.
                //TODO: Note that in a boolean-style GJK, it shouldn't be possible to be outside C.
                float CdotAB, CdotAC;
                Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref C, out CdotAB);
                Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref C, out CdotAC);
                CdotAB = -CdotAB;
                CdotAC = -CdotAC;
                if (CdotAC >= 0f && CdotAB <= CdotAC)
                    //It is C!
                    simplex.State = SimplexState.Point;
                    simplex.A = C;
                    simplex.U = 1;
                    simplex.SimplexA.A = C1;
                    simplex.SimplexB.A = C2;
                    point = C;
                    return true;

                //Check if it's outside AC.            
                //float AdotAB, AdotAC;
                //Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref A, out AdotAB);
                //Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref A, out AdotAC);
                //AdotAB = -AdotAB;
                //AdotAC = -AdotAC;
                float vb = CdotAB * AdotAC - AdotAB * CdotAC;
                if (vb <= 0f && AdotAC > 0f && CdotAC < 0f) //Note > instead of >= and < instead of <=; prevents bad denominator
                    simplex.State = SimplexState.Segment;
                    simplex.A = A;
                    simplex.B = C;
                    simplex.SimplexA.A = A1;
                    simplex.SimplexA.B = C1;
                    simplex.SimplexB.A = A2;
                    simplex.SimplexB.B = C2;
                    simplex.V = AdotAC / (AdotAC - CdotAC);
                    simplex.U = 1 - simplex.V;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref ac, simplex.V, out point);
                    Vector3.Add(ref point, ref A, out point);
                    return true;

                //Check if it's outside BC.
                //float BdotAB, BdotAC;
                //Vector3.Dot(ref ab, ref B, out BdotAB);
                //Vector3.Dot(ref ac, ref B, out BdotAC);
                //BdotAB = -BdotAB;
                //BdotAC = -BdotAC;
                float va = BdotAB * CdotAC - CdotAB * BdotAC;
                float d3d4;
                float d6d5;
                if (va <= 0f && (d3d4 = BdotAC - BdotAB) > 0f && (d6d5 = CdotAB - CdotAC) > 0f)//Note > instead of >= and < instead of <=; prevents bad denominator
                    simplex.State = SimplexState.Segment;
                    simplex.A = B;
                    simplex.B = C;
                    simplex.SimplexA.A = B1;
                    simplex.SimplexA.B = C1;
                    simplex.SimplexB.A = B2;
                    simplex.SimplexB.B = C2;
                    simplex.V = d3d4 / (d3d4 + d6d5);
                    simplex.U = 1 - simplex.V;

                    Vector3 bc;
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref C, ref B, out bc);
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref bc, simplex.V, out point);
                    Vector3.Add(ref point, ref B, out point);
                    return true;

                //On the face of the triangle.
                simplex.A = A;
                simplex.B = B;
                simplex.C = C;
                simplex.SimplexA.A = A1;
                simplex.SimplexA.B = B1;
                simplex.SimplexA.C = C1;
                simplex.SimplexB.A = A2;
                simplex.SimplexB.B = B2;
                simplex.SimplexB.C = C2;
                simplex.State = SimplexState.Triangle;
                float denom = 1f / (va + vb + vc);
                simplex.W = vc * denom;
                simplex.V = vb * denom;
                simplex.U = 1 - simplex.V - simplex.W;
                Vector3.Multiply(ref ab, simplex.V, out point);
                Vector3 acw;
                Vector3.Multiply(ref ac, simplex.W, out acw);
                Vector3.Add(ref A, ref point, out point);
                Vector3.Add(ref point, ref acw, out point);
                return true;
            return false;