ArcStrabo.ArcStraboObject.consolidate C# (CSharp) 메소드

consolidate() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static consolidate ( ArrayList al, int w, int h, TextWriter log ) : HashSet
al System.Collections.ArrayList
w int
h int
log System.IO.TextWriter
리턴 HashSet
        public static HashSet<float[]> consolidate(ArrayList al, int w, int h, TextWriter log)
            ArrayList al2 = new ArrayList();

            foreach (float[] i in al)

            foreach (float[] i in al)
                foreach (float[] j in al)
                    if (!((Math.Abs(i[0] - j[0]) > w) ||
                        (Math.Abs(i[1] - j[1]) > h) ||
                        (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(i[0] - j[0], 2) + Math.Pow(i[1] - j[1], 2)) > Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(w, 2) + Math.Pow(h, 2)))))

                        if (i[2] > j[2])
                            al2[al.IndexOf(j)] = i;
                        else if (i[2] < j[2])
                            al2[al.IndexOf(i)] = j;

            HashSet<float[]> hash = new HashSet<float[]>();

            foreach (float[] i in al2)

            //log.WriteLine("The count of al2: " + al2.Count);
            //log.WriteLine("The count of hash: " + hash.Count);


            foreach (float[] i in hash)

            //log.WriteLine("The count after hash: " + al.Count);

            return hash;