CSI.MacroSubstitutor.RemoveMacro C# (CSharp) Method

RemoveMacro() public method

public RemoveMacro ( string name ) : void
name string
return void
        public void RemoveMacro(string name)
            macroTable[name] = null;

Usage Example

コード例 #1
        void ExecuteLine(string codeStr)
            // at this point we either have a line to be immediately compiled and evaluated,
            // or a function definition.
            CHash  type = CHash.Expression;
            string className = null, assemblyName = null, funName = null;
            Match  funMatch = funDef.Match(codeStr);

            if (funMatch.Success)
                type = CHash.Function;
            if (type == CHash.Function)
                funName = funMatch.Groups[1].ToString();
                className    = "Csi" + nextAssembly++;
                assemblyName = className + ".dll";
                codeStr      = codeStr.Insert(funMatch.Groups[1].Index, "_");
            codeStr = macro.ProcessLine(codeStr);
            if (codeStr == "")  // may have been a prepro statement!
            bool wasAssignment;

            codeStr = MassageInput(codeStr, out wasAssignment);
            if (wasAssignment)
                type = CHash.Assignment;
            CompilerResults cr = CompileLine(codeStr.TrimStart(), type, assemblyName, className);

            if (cr != null)
                Assembly ass = cr.CompiledAssembly;
                if (type != CHash.Function)
                    CodeChunk.Instantiate(ass, this);
                    CsiFunctionContext.Instantiate(ass, varTable, className, funName);
                    string prefix = mustDeclare ? "" : "$";
                    macro.AddMacro(funName, prefix + className + "._" + funName, null);