Mono.CSharp.MemberCore.GetSignatureForError C# (CSharp) Method

GetSignatureForError() public method

public GetSignatureForError ( ) : string
return string
		public virtual string GetSignatureForError ()
			if (Parent == null || Parent.Parent == null)
				return member_name.GetSignatureForError ();

			return Parent.GetSignatureForError () + "." + member_name.GetSignatureForError ();

Usage Example

Esempio n. 1
        // Raised (and passed an XmlElement that contains the comment)
        // when GenerateDocComment is writing documentation expectedly.
        // FIXME: with a few effort, it could be done with XmlReader,
        // that means removal of DOM use.
        void CheckParametersComments(MemberCore member, IParametersMember paramMember, XmlElement el)
            HashSet <string> found_tags = null;

            foreach (XmlElement pelem in el.SelectNodes("param"))
                string xname = pelem.GetAttribute("name");
                if (xname.Length == 0)
                    continue;                     // really? but MS looks doing so
                if (found_tags == null)
                    found_tags = new HashSet <string> ();

                if (xname != "" && paramMember.Parameters.GetParameterIndexByName(xname) < 0)
                    Report.Warning(1572, 2, member.Location,
                                   "XML comment on `{0}' has a param tag for `{1}', but there is no parameter by that name",
                                   member.GetSignatureForError(), xname);

                if (found_tags.Contains(xname))
                    Report.Warning(1571, 2, member.Location,
                                   "XML comment on `{0}' has a duplicate param tag for `{1}'",
                                   member.GetSignatureForError(), xname);


            if (found_tags != null)
                foreach (Parameter p in paramMember.Parameters.FixedParameters)
                    if (!found_tags.Contains(p.Name) && !(p is ArglistParameter))
                        Report.Warning(1573, 4, member.Location,
                                       "Parameter `{0}' has no matching param tag in the XML comment for `{1}'",
                                       p.Name, member.GetSignatureForError());
All Usage Examples Of Mono.CSharp.MemberCore::GetSignatureForError