BEPUphysics.CollisionTests.CollisionAlgorithms.GJK.GJKToolbox.RayCast C# (CSharp) Method

RayCast() public static method

Tests a ray against a convex shape.
public static RayCast ( BEPUutilities.Ray ray, ConvexShape shape, RigidTransform &shapeTransform, float maximumLength, RayHit &hit ) : bool
ray BEPUutilities.Ray Ray to test against the shape.
shape BEPUphysics.CollisionShapes.ConvexShapes.ConvexShape Shape to test.
shapeTransform BEPUutilities.RigidTransform Transform to apply to the shape for the test.
maximumLength float Maximum length of the ray in units of the ray direction's length.
hit BEPUutilities.RayHit Hit data of the ray cast, if any.
return bool
        public static bool RayCast(Ray ray, ConvexShape shape, ref RigidTransform shapeTransform, float maximumLength,
                                   out RayHit hit)
            //Transform the ray into the object's local space.
            Vector3.Subtract(ref ray.Position, ref shapeTransform.Position, out ray.Position);
            Quaternion conjugate;
            Quaternion.Conjugate(ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out conjugate);
            Vector3.Transform(ref ray.Position, ref conjugate, out ray.Position);
            Vector3.Transform(ref ray.Direction, ref conjugate, out ray.Direction);

            Vector3 extremePointToRayOrigin, extremePoint;
            hit.T = 0;
            hit.Location = ray.Position;
            hit.Normal = Toolbox.ZeroVector;
            Vector3 closestOffset = hit.Location;

            RaySimplex simplex = new RaySimplex();

            float vw, closestPointDotDirection;
            int count = 0;
            //This epsilon has a significant impact on performance and accuracy.  Changing it to use BigEpsilon instead increases speed by around 30-40% usually, but jigging is more evident.
            while (closestOffset.LengthSquared() >= Toolbox.Epsilon * simplex.GetErrorTolerance(ref ray.Position))
                if (++count > MaximumGJKIterations)
                    //It's taken too long to find a hit.  Numerical problems are probable; quit.
                    hit = new RayHit();
                    return false;

                shape.GetLocalExtremePoint(closestOffset, out extremePoint);

                Vector3.Subtract(ref hit.Location, ref extremePoint, out extremePointToRayOrigin);
                Vector3.Dot(ref closestOffset, ref extremePointToRayOrigin, out vw);
                //If the closest offset and the extreme point->ray origin direction point the same way,
                //then we might be able to conservatively advance the point towards the surface.
                if (vw > 0)
                    Vector3.Dot(ref closestOffset, ref ray.Direction, out closestPointDotDirection);
                    if (closestPointDotDirection >= 0)
                        hit = new RayHit();
                        return false;
                    hit.T = hit.T - vw / closestPointDotDirection;
                    if (hit.T > maximumLength)
                        //If we've gone beyond where the ray can reach, there's obviously no hit.
                        hit = new RayHit();
                        return false;
                    //Shift the ray up.
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, hit.T, out hit.Location);
                    Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref ray.Position, out hit.Location);
                    hit.Normal = closestOffset;

                RaySimplex shiftedSimplex;
                simplex.AddNewSimplexPoint(ref extremePoint, ref hit.Location, out shiftedSimplex);

                //Compute the offset from the simplex surface to the origin.
                shiftedSimplex.GetPointClosestToOrigin(ref simplex, out closestOffset);

            //Transform the hit data into world space.
            Vector3.Transform(ref hit.Normal, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out hit.Normal);
            Vector3.Transform(ref hit.Location, ref shapeTransform.Orientation, out hit.Location);
            Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref shapeTransform.Position, out hit.Location);

            return true;

Usage Example

Esempio n. 1
        /// Casts a fat (sphere expanded) ray against the shape.  If the raycast appears to be stuck in the shape, the cast will be attempted
        /// with a smaller ray (scaled by the MotionSettings.CoreShapeScaling each time).
        ///<param name="ray">Ray to test against the shape.</param>
        ///<param name="radius">Radius of the ray.</param>
        ///<param name="target">Shape to test against.</param>
        ///<param name="shapeTransform">Transform to apply to the shape for the test.</param>
        ///<param name="maximumLength">Maximum length of the ray in units of the ray direction's length.</param>
        ///<param name="hit">Hit data of the sphere cast, if any.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the sphere cast hit the shape.</returns>
        public static bool CCDSphereCast(Ray ray, float radius, ConvexShape target, ref RigidTransform shapeTransform, float maximumLength,
                                         out RayHit hit)
            int iterations = 0;

            while (true)
                if (GJKToolbox.SphereCast(ray, radius, target, ref shapeTransform, maximumLength, out hit) &&
                    hit.T > 0)
                    //The ray cast isn't embedded in the shape, and it's less than maximum length away!
                if (hit.T > maximumLength || hit.T < 0)
                    return(false); //Failure showed it was too far, or behind.
                radius *= MotionSettings.CoreShapeScaling;
                if (iterations > 3) //Limit could be configurable.
                    //It's iterated too much, let's just do a last ditch attempt using a raycast and hope that can help.
                    return(GJKToolbox.RayCast(ray, target, ref shapeTransform, maximumLength, out hit) && hit.T > 0);