T4Scaffolding.Cmdlets.InvokeScaffoldTemplateCmdlet.AddTextFileToProject C# (CSharp) Méthode

AddTextFileToProject() private static méthode

private static AddTextFileToProject ( Project project, IFileSystem fileSystem, string projectRelativePath, string text ) : void
project Project
fileSystem IFileSystem
projectRelativePath string
text string
Résultat void
        private static void AddTextFileToProject(Project project, IFileSystem fileSystem, string projectRelativePath, string text)
            // Need to be sure the folder exists first
            var outputDirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectRelativePath);
            var projectDir = project.GetOrCreateProjectItems(outputDirPath, true /* create */, fileSystem);
            var diskPath = Path.Combine(project.GetFullPath(), projectRelativePath);
            fileSystem.WriteAllText(diskPath, text);