Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.ScriptHostManager.RunAndBlock C# (CSharp) Méthode

RunAndBlock() public méthode

public RunAndBlock ( CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : void
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken
Résultat void
        public void RunAndBlock(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            // Start the host and restart it if requested. Host Restarts will happen when
            // host level configuration files change
                ScriptHost newInstance = null;
                    // if we were in an error state retain that,
                    // otherwise move to default
                    if (State != ScriptHostState.Error)
                        State = ScriptHostState.Default;

                    // Create a new host config, but keep the host id from existing one
                    _config.HostConfig = new JobHostConfiguration
                        HostId = _config.HostConfig.HostId
                    newInstance = _scriptHostFactory.Create(_settingsManager, _config);
                    _traceWriter = newInstance.TraceWriter;

                    _currentInstance = newInstance;
                    lock (_liveInstances)


                    if (_traceWriter != null)
                        string message = string.Format("Starting Host (HostId={0}, Version={1}, ProcessId={2}, Debug={3})",
                            newInstance.ScriptConfig.HostConfig.HostId, ScriptHost.Version, Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id, newInstance.InDebugMode.ToString());

                    // log any function initialization errors


                    // only after ALL initialization is complete do we set the
                    // state to Running
                    State = ScriptHostState.Running;
                    LastError = null;

                    // Wait for a restart signal. This event will automatically reset.
                    // While we're restarting, it is possible for another restart to be
                    // signaled. That is fine - the restart will be processed immediately
                    // once we get to this line again. The important thing is that these
                    // restarts are only happening on a single thread.
                    WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[]

                    // Orphan the current host instance. We're stopping it, so it won't listen for any new functions
                    // it will finish any currently executing functions and then clean itself up.
                    // Spin around and create a new host instance.
                    Task taskIgnore = Orphan(newInstance);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    State = ScriptHostState.Error;
                    LastError = ex;

                    // We need to keep the host running, so we catch and log any errors
                    // then restart the host
                    if (_traceWriter != null)
                        _traceWriter.Error("A ScriptHost error has occurred", ex);

                    // If a ScriptHost instance was created before the exception was thrown
                    // Orphan and cleanup that instance.
                    if (newInstance != null)
                        Orphan(newInstance, forceStop: true)
                            .ContinueWith(t =>
                                if (t.IsFaulted)
                                    t.Exception.Handle(e => true);
                            }, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);

                    // Wait for a short period of time before restarting to
                    // avoid cases where a host level config error might cause
                    // a rapid restart cycle
            while (!_stopped && !cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested);

Usage Example

        protected EndToEndTestFixture(string rootPath)
            string connectionString = AmbientConnectionStringProvider.Instance.GetConnectionString(ConnectionStringNames.Storage);
            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connectionString);
            _queueClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient();
            _blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

            TraceWriter = new TestTraceWriter(TraceLevel.Verbose);

            ScriptHostConfiguration config = new ScriptHostConfiguration()
                RootScriptPath = rootPath,
                TraceWriter = TraceWriter,
                FileLoggingEnabled = true

            HostManager = new ScriptHostManager(config);

            Thread t = new Thread(_ =>

            TestHelpers.Await(() => HostManager.IsRunning).Wait();
All Usage Examples Of Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Script.ScriptHostManager::RunAndBlock