Forex_Strategy_Builder.JForex_Import.OnResize C# (CSharp) Méthode

OnResize() protected méthode

Recalculates the sizes and positions of the controls after resizing.
protected OnResize ( EventArgs e ) : void
e EventArgs
Résultat void
        protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e)

            int buttonHeight = (int)(Data.VerticalDLU * 15.5);
            int buttonWidth  = (int)(Data.HorizontalDLU * 60);
            int btnVertSpace = (int)(Data.VerticalDLU * 5.5);
            int btnHrzSpace  = (int)(Data.HorizontalDLU * 3);
            int border       = btnHrzSpace;
            int textHeight   = Font.Height;
            int nudWidth     = 70;

            //Button Cancel
            btnClose.Size     = new Size(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
            btnClose.Location = new Point(ClientSize.Width - buttonWidth - btnHrzSpace, ClientSize.Height - buttonHeight - btnVertSpace);

            //Button Help
            btnHelp.Size     = new Size(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
            btnHelp.Location = new Point(btnClose.Left - buttonWidth - btnHrzSpace, ClientSize.Height - buttonHeight - btnVertSpace);

            //Button Import
            btnImport.Size     = new Size(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
            btnImport.Location = new Point(btnHrzSpace, ClientSize.Height - buttonHeight - btnVertSpace);

            // ProgressBar
            progressBar.Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - 2 * border, (int)(Data.VerticalDLU * 9));
            progressBar.Location = new Point(border, btnClose.Top - progressBar.Height - btnVertSpace);

            pnlSettings.Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - 2 * btnHrzSpace, 110);
            pnlSettings.Location = new Point(btnHrzSpace, border);

            pnlInfoBase.Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - 2 * btnHrzSpace, progressBar.Top - pnlSettings.Bottom - 2 * border);
            pnlInfoBase.Location = new Point(btnHrzSpace, pnlSettings.Bottom + border);

            // Label Intro
            lblIntro.Location = new Point(btnHrzSpace + border, btnVertSpace);

            //Button Browse
            btnBrowse.Size     = new Size(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
            btnBrowse.Location = new Point(pnlSettings.Width - buttonWidth - btnHrzSpace, lblIntro.Bottom + border);

            //TextBox txbDataDirectory
            txbDataDirectory.Width    = btnBrowse.Left - 2 * btnHrzSpace - border;
            txbDataDirectory.Location = new Point(btnHrzSpace + border, btnBrowse.Top + (buttonHeight - txbDataDirectory.Height) / 2);

            int nudLeft = pnlSettings.ClientSize.Width - nudWidth - btnHrzSpace - border;
            nudMarketClose.Size = new Size(nudWidth, buttonHeight);
            nudMarketClose.Location = new Point(nudLeft, btnBrowse.Bottom + border);
            nudMarketOpen.Size = new Size(nudWidth, buttonHeight);
            nudMarketOpen.Location = new Point(nudLeft, nudMarketClose.Bottom + border);

            // Labels
            lblMarketClose.Location = new Point(btnHrzSpace + border, nudMarketClose.Top + 2);
            lblMarketOpen.Location  = new Point(btnHrzSpace + border, nudMarketOpen.Top + 2);
