Blamite.Blam.Scripting.Compiler.ScriptCompiler.GetGlobalOpCode C# (CSharp) Méthode

GetGlobalOpCode() private méthode

private GetGlobalOpCode ( ushort globalOpcode, RuleContext context ) : ushort
globalOpcode ushort
context RuleContext
Résultat ushort
        private ushort GetGlobalOpCode(ushort globalOpcode, RuleContext context)
            RuleContext grandparent = GetParentContext(context, HS_Gen1Parser.RULE_call);
            ushort opcode = globalOpcode;

            // "set" and (in)equality functions are special.
            if (grandparent is HS_Gen1Parser.CallContext call)
                string funcName = call.callID().GetTextSanitized();
                List<FunctionInfo> funcInfo = _opcodes.GetFunctionInfo(funcName);

                if (funcInfo != null)
                    if (funcInfo[0].Group == "Equality" || funcInfo[0].Group == "Inequality")
                        opcode = GetEqualityArgumentOP(globalOpcode);
                    else if (_set && funcInfo[0].Group == "Set")
                        opcode = 0xFFFF;

                        if (_debug)
                            _logger.Information("The Global belongs to a set call. It's value type will be pushed to the stack.");
                        // The next parameter must have the same return type as this global
                        _set = false;

            return opcode;