ApiSdk.Users.Item.CalendarView.Item.Instances.InstancesRequestBuilder.BuildListCommand C# (CSharp) Méthode

BuildListCommand() public méthode

The occurrences of a recurring series, if the event is a series master. This property includes occurrences that are part of the recurrence pattern, and exceptions that have been modified, but does not include occurrences that have been cancelled from the series. Navigation property. Read-only. Nullable.
public BuildListCommand ( ) : Command
Résultat Command
        public Command BuildListCommand() {
            var command = new Command("list");
            command.Description = "The occurrences of a recurring series, if the event is a series master. This property includes occurrences that are part of the recurrence pattern, and exceptions that have been modified, but does not include occurrences that have been cancelled from the series. Navigation property. Read-only. Nullable.";
            // Create options for all the parameters
            var userIdOption = new Option<string>("--user-id", description: "key: id of user") {
            userIdOption.IsRequired = true;
            var eventIdOption = new Option<string>("--event-id", description: "key: id of event") {
            eventIdOption.IsRequired = true;
            var topOption = new Option<int?>("--top", description: "Show only the first n items") {
            topOption.IsRequired = false;
            var skipOption = new Option<int?>("--skip", description: "Skip the first n items") {
            skipOption.IsRequired = false;
            var filterOption = new Option<string>("--filter", description: "Filter items by property values") {
            filterOption.IsRequired = false;
            var countOption = new Option<bool?>("--count", description: "Include count of items") {
            countOption.IsRequired = false;
            var orderbyOption = new Option<string[]>("--orderby", description: "Order items by property values") {
                Arity = ArgumentArity.ZeroOrMore
            orderbyOption.IsRequired = false;
            var selectOption = new Option<string[]>("--select", description: "Select properties to be returned") {
                Arity = ArgumentArity.ZeroOrMore
            selectOption.IsRequired = false;
            var outputOption = new Option<FormatterType>("--output", () => FormatterType.JSON){
                IsRequired = true
            var queryOption = new Option<string>("--query");
            var jsonNoIndentOption = new Option<bool>("--json-no-indent", r => {
                if (bool.TryParse(r.Tokens.Select(t => t.Value).LastOrDefault(), out var value)) {
                    return value;
                return true;
            }, description: "Disable indentation for the JSON output formatter.");
            command.SetHandler(async (object[] parameters) => {
                var userId = (string) parameters[0];
                var eventId = (string) parameters[1];
                var top = (int?) parameters[2];
                var skip = (int?) parameters[3];
                var filter = (string) parameters[4];
                var count = (bool?) parameters[5];
                var orderby = (string[]) parameters[6];
                var select = (string[]) parameters[7];
                var output = (FormatterType) parameters[8];
                var query = (string) parameters[9];
                var jsonNoIndent = (bool) parameters[10];
                var outputFilter = (IOutputFilter) parameters[11];
                var outputFormatterFactory = (IOutputFormatterFactory) parameters[12];
                var cancellationToken = (CancellationToken) parameters[13];
                var requestInfo = CreateGetRequestInformation(q => {
                    q.QueryParameters.Top = top;
                    q.QueryParameters.Skip = skip;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) q.QueryParameters.Filter = filter;
                    q.QueryParameters.Count = count;
                    q.QueryParameters.Orderby = orderby;
                    q.QueryParameters.Select = select;
                requestInfo.PathParameters.Add("user%2Did", userId);
                requestInfo.PathParameters.Add("event%2Did", eventId);
                var errorMapping = new Dictionary<string, ParsableFactory<IParsable>> {
                    {"4XX", ODataError.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue},
                    {"5XX", ODataError.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue},
                var response = await RequestAdapter.SendPrimitiveAsync<Stream>(requestInfo, errorMapping: errorMapping, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
                response = await outputFilter?.FilterOutputAsync(response, query, cancellationToken) ?? response;
                var formatterOptions = output.GetOutputFormatterOptions(new FormatterOptionsModel(!jsonNoIndent));
                var formatter = outputFormatterFactory.GetFormatter(output);
                await formatter.WriteOutputAsync(response, formatterOptions, cancellationToken);
            }, new CollectionBinding(userIdOption, eventIdOption, topOption, skipOption, filterOption, new NullableBooleanBinding(countOption), orderbyOption, selectOption, outputOption, queryOption, jsonNoIndentOption, new TypeBinding(typeof(IOutputFilter)), new TypeBinding(typeof(IOutputFormatterFactory)), new TypeBinding(typeof(CancellationToken))));
            return command;
        /// <summary>